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The field of criminology is focused on studying the concept of crime within society. In any society, individuals are given certain rights to exercise and duties to fulfill. It is expected that everyone respects each other's rights and adheres to social standards such as "live and let live." However, there are instances where individuals deviate from these ideals and engage in anti-social behavior. In such cases, it becomes necessary for the State to take mandatory steps to safeguard society and penalize those who break the law. Students can seek assistance from our expert writers for criminology assignments through our Criminology assignment help service. Our experts refer to various definitions and perspectives provided by renowned philosophers in criminology.

Why Choose Criminology Assignment Help?

Students can benefit from MakeMyAssignments.com for all types of Law Assignments, including criminology. Criminology is a scientific study of crimes that has become vast with different philosophers incorporating their views. To gather these perspectives, reference to Criminology assignment help service is essential. The study of criminology involves a combination of social, environmental, economic, and psychological aspects, making it challenging to cover and analyze every aspect for a comprehensive criminology assignment. Therefore, we conduct in-depth research on all these issues to provide researchers and students with online criminology assignment help. Our focus is to deliver a thorough assessment of criminology and its various aspects. We incorporate definitions and outlooks from various philosophers in criminology to enhance understanding. Our expert writers delve into all aspects of the topic to assist students in achieving good grades. We use user-friendly language to facilitate better understanding. Students can rely on our criminology assignment writing service for urgent assistance when needed.

Students can approach us for their law assignments without any hassle. As law is a professional subject, professional assistance is necessary. Our expert legal professors and advocates provide guidance for law assignments. We diligently prepare various types of law assignments, including case studies, legal advice, legal essays, legal arguments, and legal memorandums. Before providing solutions, our qualified experts thoroughly consult and refer to all relevant acts and legislations. We always submit law assignments within the given time constraint and without any plagiarism. We cover all aspects of law assignments and cater to students' demands, making necessary modifications if required. Students can approach us at any time for assistance with their law assignments. We are here to free you from your academic struggles and ensure you get a good night's sleep. You can rely on us for your law assignments.

Understanding the Concept of Crime

It is important for students availing Criminology assignment writing service to have a good understanding of the concept of crime. Our professionals will help you gain a better idea about the concept of crime and its related chapters.

Crime refers to the violation of cherished norms and standards of society. When individuals fail to comply with these rules, they are considered anti-social. Blackstone defines crime as an act done or omitted in violation of public law. Stephen modifies this definition by describing crime as a violation of a right with evil tendencies against the community as a whole. Sutherland views crime as a symptom of social organization. Halsbury defines crime as an unlawful act against public order that must be punished. Keeton states that crime is an undesirable act that can be corrected by the State through punishment or other remedies as determined by the aggrieved party. After examining these definitions, we conclude that crime has three fundamental characteristics:

When studying criminology, there are three prominent types of crimes: predatory crime, inchoate crime, and hate crime.

In addition to these crimes, there are victimless crimes where no direct victim exists. These crimes are considered illegal due to their opposition to societal moral and economic interests. Examples of victimless crimes include public drinking, selling prohibited substances like drugs, and engaging in bestiality. These acts are punishable by law in the UK.

Criminology aims to categorize crimes and criminals to establish appropriate punishments for different offender or crime categories. In English Law, crimes are broadly classified as felonies and misdemeanors. Felonies are serious crimes that can result in life imprisonment or the death penalty, while misdemeanors are less severe and are punishable by shorter periods of confinement, fines, or both. Over time, three additional categories were added: crimes against property, crimes against persons, and crimes against the State. In the USA, crimes are classified under 29 categories ranging from murder to runaway juveniles and narcotics.

Definition and Nature of Criminology

Now let's delve into the definition of criminology. The term "criminology" is derived from the Latin word "crimen" and the Greek word "logia." Etymologically, criminology refers to the scientific study of the nature, scope, extent, causes, and control of criminal behavior in a community.

According to Donald Taft, criminology involves the scientific analysis and observation of crime and criminals, while penology focuses on the study of punishment and the treatment of offenders. Taft notes that penology existed before criminology, with the emphasis placed on punishment and offender treatment rather than a scientific approach to understanding the causes of crime. Coleman and Norris define criminology as the analysis of the nature, perpetrators, and causes of crimes, as well as the formulation and enforcement of criminal laws and the evaluation of how crimes can be handled within society.

Nature and Scope of Criminology

In criminology assignments, it is essential to focus on the nature and scope of criminology. According to Enrico Ferri, many developing countries have adopted efficient criminal policies to protect society from crimes and criminals. The Social Defense theory aims to eliminate crimes from the community through the well-organized administration of criminal law in a country.

Criminologists strive to establish a uniform penal system across countries and ensure the proper administration of prisons, courts, reformative institutions, and policies to reduce crime rates. Factors that contribute to crime or influence offenders' minds must be considered to effectively address the causes of crime. In criminology assignment writing services, the focus is not only on criminal behavior but also on studying crimes, their causes, and the necessary measures to combat and control them. The development of the entire society is facilitated through the reformation and rehabilitation of offenders, reducing the likelihood of their reoffending and posing a threat to society.

Modern criminologists approach crime and criminals scientifically and realistically, considering crime as a social phenomenon. They examine punishments as either forms of treatment or preventive measures. Cesare Lombroso's theory suggests that criminals are physically inferior and differ from ordinary individuals. However, this theory is challenged by Lombroso's contemporaries, who argue that individuals are not born criminals but may turn to criminality due to circumstances and environmental factors. Hence, the environment plays a significant role in the causation of crime. Criminology encompasses the study of the behavioral activities of criminals as well as the causes and prevention of crimes.

Importance of Criminology

Current criminological research aims to study and analyze criminal cases and recommend measures to promote mutual respect, confidence, and cooperation among offenders. The rehabilitation of offenders into law-abiding citizens has become more successful due to penological reforms and liberal punishment laws. Criminology plays a crucial role in achieving social harmony, reducing crime, and ensuring social solidarity. With technological advancements and the increasing complexity of life, crimes such as cybercrimes, theft, white-collar crimes, and smuggling have grown. Criminology provides systematic study and approaches to address these new challenges and protect society. It plays a vital role in establishing effective criminal justice systems based on the requirements of contemporary society. Criminology emphasizes individual reformation and focuses on scientific study, involving various professionals such as police, judges, attorneys, psychiatrists, psychologists, and sociologists. The ultimate goal is to create a society without crime through comprehensive understanding and effective measures.

Objectives of Criminology

The primary objective of studying criminology is to systematically examine the process of law-making, law-breaking, and the reaction to law-breaking. It focuses on understanding the factors that contribute to criminal behavior and finding effective measures to control and prevent such crimes. Criminology incorporates theories and findings from various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, law, psychiatry, biology, and economics to provide efficient solutions and administer criminal justice to combat individual criminality.

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that punishments are proportional to the crime and the offender. Sentencing procedures should prioritize humanistic principles. The goal of the penal system is to reduce the occurrence of crimes in society. Deterrence plays a significant role in discouraging offenders from committing crimes, while also deterring potential offenders. However, punishment should be chosen carefully to maintain the spirit of humanity. Harsh and brutal punishments can destroy the soul of offenders and potentially turn them into incorrigible criminals. Rehabilitation measures should be taken to correct and reform offenders, reintegrating them into society as law-abiding individuals. The ultimate aim of criminology is to systematically implement these ideologies, analyzing the causes and possibilities of crime, and consistently working towards eliminating crime from society as much as possible.

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