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The Structure And Format Of A Briefing Paper

The Structure and Format of a Briefing Paper

A briefing paper helps pinpoint an issue without diving into many complications. With the help of a briefing paper, we get to concentrate on a significant issue by filling in all the necessary details that are used to analyze the issue. Further, it helps propose valuable and relevant solutions. An ideal briefing paper is one that highlights all the necessary details and facts. Though there are many forms of a briefing paper, most of them follow a general outline. Before beginning to write a briefing paper, answer the following questions-

  • Who is your audience?
  • What is the purpose of your briefing paper?
  • What kind of information is included in it?
  • What format should it follow?

Format of writing a briefing paper

In order to write a perfect briefing paper, take a look at the format mentioned below-

Name: To help the audience identify the paper

Date of writing

Contact details for briefing note: Include your email id or mobile number.

Issue: A short statement signifying the issue.

Background details: Provide background information to any past events.

Present status: Explain the present scenario.

Necessary information: Provide unbiased information on the developments and facts.

Recommendations: Provide evidence-based reactions.

Conclusion: Restate the issue of the briefing document.

Determining the scope

The depth of your paper must be included in the scope. For writing a briefing paper, it is essential to develop a scope since it will help determine the details you want to include. It also helps determine how many issues you are covering in it. All of this depends on two major factors. First is the information you need, and second is how much information you think is enough for your paper.

Recognize the audience

Before writing any text, it is crucial to understand who your audience is. Ask yourself the following questions before beginning to write the paper-

  • Who all will read your briefing paper?
  • Is your audience well-informed or not?

Figure out the key points

It is essential to map out an outline of the key points you are going to include in your paper. Note down all the key points that are crucial for your paper. Be concise with the content of your paper and do not exceed it more than two pages. Remove all the irrelevant points and unnecessary long explanations from your paper.

Use a proper template

Using an effective template can be a great idea for writing your paper. In order to make your paper look systematic, download some online templates that can help you keep your thoughts organized and streamlined. If you are not able to work well with a template, then make one of your own and develop a name, subject line, and date.

Try to include a summary section

At times, it is often advised to students to add a summary section at the beginning of their paper. But it is always good to leave this section for the end to better understand what to include. The main purpose of including a summary section is to provide a glimpse into the matters that require immediate attention.

Write an impressive introduction

The introductory section must discuss the issue in detail. Therefore, you need to begin with a concise yet impactful opening statement. Further, discuss the primary focus and issue of the paper.

Provide background details

While writing for this section, you provide details about the current scenario and emphasize current developments related to the issue. Exclude all the irrelevant details. For doing this, you need to conduct proper background research to collect relevant facts and evidence to support your notion. The information that you provide in your content must be specific and updated.

So, this was all about the compilation of a briefing paper. Apart from this, if you ever need help regarding your academic papers or assignments, feel free to contact our online assignment writing services for professional help and guidance.

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