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A guide for what teachers can do in their spare time after the class

Teaching is one of the finest and respected job in the world a teacher hard work only make intelligent minds of the students for the future so they achieve greatness in the future. But there are times in this job teaching when you get bored or don’t know what to do when you get the spare time like after completing the lecture and there is fifteen minutes for the next lecture to start so and there is fifteen minutes for the next lecture to start so you get bored in this time and might not have any idea what should be done in this. So you might be thinking of how to make this useful and interesting for yourself but many of you lacking idea of what should be done so let’s see a guide of idea what can be done in this free time by the teachers.

You can do some assessment of the lecture

As a teacher, you make many efforts in the conference to provide the students with the wealth of knowledge. You discuss a topic extensively to help the students in getting the hang of it easily. So, it would be valid if you try to assess what the students have gained from your lecture.

So, when you get spared time after the lecture, start doing the lecture assessment. All you have to do is ask some questions to the students related to the lecture. This way you get clear of how much your students learned from this lecture and where you need to improve as a teacher.


Play some game that increases student’s knowledge

Today, educationists urge the teachers to make the learning interesting. Learning through games or some other creative way is what attracts the young students.

So, you can try playing such games with the students that increase their general knowledge. You can also discuss some social issues with the students.


Discuss the topic of the next lecture

You must be aware of the fact that discussing the next conference with the students could help you as well as the students in preparing well for it.

So, what could be the better option than discussing the topic of the next lecture in the spared time? Furthermore, you can also ask the students if they have some questions related to the topic discussed or related to the homework.


Assign to write a five minute assignment to the students

Lots of students find it tough to write their academic assignments. One of the reasons of it could be the lack of writing skills.

So, whenever you get spared time after the lecture, you should ask the students to write an essay or a story. This way they can improve their writing skills and you can make the best use of the spared time.

So here are some great ideas or let’s say guide for the teachers to make this spare time after the lecture useful for themselves and students also.  

This article is written by our assignment expert at Make My Assignments. For any Assignment Help contact us.

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