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Benefits of Online education over traditional education

Online learning has become one of the most popular ways of gaining access to education. It tends to favor independent learning styles and that is why it is continuously growing because it provides a variety of programs and courses. More and more students take online classes because of the flexibility and convenience it provides. It relies on Internet technology trends, including Web pages, software programs, and Internet research. And hence it improves the technical skills of the students.

Online classes are great for individuals who have a hectic schedule and family responsibilities because  there is no need of going out and attending the class, it also saves the money which we usually waste on  the transportation and also most of  the online courses are cost efficient because you know that  the tuition fee is deducted from the course fee, hence it is affordable for all. But since it is beneficial in many aspects so it expect one thing from the students that they should be self-directed in achieving their academic goals.

A student can complete his education while doing job side by side to support his family this is the most attractive part of online education. There is no need to spend half of the day in school or institute. And for those students who are interested in sports and other activities can also continue their practices while studying.

It provides more interaction and greater ability to concentrate, and the student will be able to get in touch with all material that is concerned with the course that is deemed more convenient to him/her. Students can study and work when they are at their peak energy, whether that’s early morning or late at night. Online courses have the potential to provide learners with individualized attention by the instructor.

We feel that in traditional education sometimes it becomes very difficult to concentrate due to noise produced by the large numbers of students and also due to several distractions by other students, or due to the outer environmental conditions.

I have noticed one thing which  occur  among  most of the students  that sometimes we miss one to four lines from the teacher that further reduce the interest for listening to the rest of the lecture because the lines that we miss becomes the most important and basic lines. Since we missed the basic thing, so we won’t able to understand the rest of the topic. However, here also the online education is helping us by providing the facility of listening to the lectures again and again if the lectures are in video form.

To do online course it is also necessary that the student applying for a course should be eligible for that course, in case if the student is not eligible then he would not be able to understand that course, for example, a commerce student is applying for a technical course, it would be very difficult for him to complete it because he is not having the basics of technical knowledge.

On the other side, online learning also has its challenges. One is having no set times since classes and unassigned physical place to go. So if the student is not well disciplined and cannot manage time in a reasonable manner, he or she might not be able to cope with the work.

So, I think online education and assignment help service is 99% beneficial, 1% is lacking due to face to face interaction. To make it 100% beneficial we should add some other features also so that the face of face problem is minimized, that is the mixture of online education and traditional education , it must combine on-campus and online courses. All students complete their studies from online material, and if needed, they can also attend live virtual classes to clear their major doubts.

Second thing which I want to share is that online education is also playing a vital role in the life of adults, especially those who are married and having children, and due to family problem they stopped their education, they think that their age is not good for going to schools and universities to bring their dreams come true, dreams of completing their education. Today’s college students tend to be older and come from more diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, and often have work and family obligations.

Let’s take another situation where a student is afraid of applying for online courses because of some fraud websites that promise to give online education and certificates related to those courses, but they don’t give anything after getting the amount of the fee.

There are some websites that are developed for fooling students. So some students feel insecure while applying for an online course.

To remove the insecurity from the minds of these students, we should take some immediate actions because these fraud websites are affecting the image of online education.

We all come from different backgrounds and have different reasons for exploring educational options. The goal is to give students access to all possible educational options and give parents the freedom to choose the one that fits their child’s needs best. Therefore, we should provide a secure and stable online program to attract large number of population.

One last thing I want to add is that  courses which helps in real life should also be added to the list of online courses, some of the courses which I feel  like  health related, improving agricultural advices, how to manage work with health care, short term courses  that will help to live happily. These courses do not help to improve your resume, but they will be helpful in real life.

Whatever approach is taken, higher education will remain a reliable path to economic reward. Job growth has benefited workers with at least some college or post-secondary education, and college graduates earn far more in their lifetimes than those with only high school diplomas.

This article has been written by our efficient HRM Assignment Help Writers and Marketing Assignment Help Writers. If you need essay help and assignment help, then you are most welcome to contact our support staff for all your assignment needs. We will do our best to serve you.

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