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Best Online Tools For Education

Best Online Tools for Education

With the coming of the internet and other smart technologies in the industry, the society itself has also started to expand its bounds in terms of development. Different sectors have been evolving differently as per their relevance and emergence of software and other technologies. The same goes for the educational sector as well, where online academic tools and applications have been replacing the traditional ones to help students evolve with their structure of learning. In earlier times, the means for education were as simple as they could be, but now due to the advancements been brought in the society, education itself has uplifted itself towards the advancement phase, where new online tools and applications have been brought to work.

There are many online tools that are specifically designed to serve the purpose of education so that students can easily use them for the process of learning and yielding themselves for future prospects. Here, we have mentioned the best three online tools available for students that have eventually changed the outlook of education and its traditional form.

To know more about these three online tools, look at the blog presented here that merely talks about their advancements and special features in the field-

Good Docs

This application is a web-based word processor that was developed by Google LLC. It is easily available on Windows, Android, Blackberry, and iOS, in the form of an application. This comes out to be an exciting package of attractive features for students that makes it one of the best tools for academics.

Special features

  • It is very useful for students, as it helps them organize a group assignment for their academics.
  • The original and edited versions of your projects can be saved easily on Google’s servers, in case of further edits or bringing back a document that you require.
  • This application also allows the feature of multiple users, where many individuals can simultaneously create, view and edit their documents online.
  • Users accessing this application can import any file to their local computer system, with the help of an online network.
  • Collaborating users can view character by character change made in the documents online.
  • Google docs can support file formats like .doc, .docm, .docx, .html, .rtf, .txt, .dot, .dotx, .dotm, .odt.
  • Google docs also consist an ‘ADD ON’ feature that allows individual developers to add new tools for the Google docs.
  • Each user is assigned with a specific color that differentiates them from other users.
  • With this application, users can also interact and coordinate with each other, based on some discussions or other important projects.

Inquiry Chart

This comes in the form of a strategy chart, where prior knowledge about some topic of your assignment is gathered from a variety of sources and then integrated as a reference point for that topic. This application tends to promote the aspect of critical thinking among students, which can be accessed by as many students as you require.

Special features

  • In order to access an I-chart, you need to first construct it physically or manually for reviewing.
  • The second thing that you need to do is find a group of people that can access it, and then select a proper topic or subject for the inquiry chart.
  • Once you’ve decided the topic for the chart, the next thing that you need to do is form questions regarding the topic and collect adequate material for research.
  • This tool also helps you to explore some prior information about the subject you choose, through various means like books, internet, newspaper articles and so on.
  • After gathering enough information, you must then evaluate it and find new ideas about the subject, based on your findings and data collected.
  • Finally, after compiling all this, you need to summarize and evaluate your I-chart to make it ready for the presentation process.


Plagiarism is considered to be an offence in terms of educational guidelines. This is why students are often told to write their assignments with original content and authenticity that does not reflect the traces of plagiarism or copied content in it. So if you are also want to avoid plagiarism in your assignments, then you must look at this tool that offers the best features to replace plagiarism from your content.

Special features

  • This tool comes with the best user interface. Prepostseo’s plagiarism checker is a user-friendly application that doesn’t have any layers or instructions.
  • It is a free and easily accessible tool that specifically designed for students and their educational needs.
  • Due to data theft and privacy-related issues, this tool has been designed accordingly to be safe and secure for its users. Prepostseo’s plagiarism checker doesn’t store any kind of personal information of users and does not allow it to be accessed by any third party members.
  • In order to highlight the plagiarized content in your writing, the tool signifies it with red color, and your unique content is often presented in color green to show its uniqueness.

Apart from this blog, if you need any kind of online assignment help for your academic projects or essays, then have a look at our services page at makemyassignments.com.

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