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What are Inferential Statistics?

There are two main types of statistics for analysing quantitative data – descriptive and inferential statistics. In a previous blog, I had talked about descriptive statistics. In this blog post, I will discuss with you about inferential statistics, when should…

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Few ways to write an assignment

Students have to worry about their assignments in school and college. The assignments that are assigned to the students are getting harder day by day. It becomes difficult for students to complete their papers along with the assignments. What are…

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Things that you need to keep in mind while writing a Dissertation

Have you started working on your dissertation or research paper yet? Do you need to start working on your dissertation soon and you cannot figure out what you will be writing about? Does the idea of getting stuck in the…

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Leadership courses with amazing future prospects for you!

There are some really amazing leadership courses available these days. If you have not heard about them, then you are unaware of the latest booming trends in the industry. Many students are opting for leadership courses to shape their careers…

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Dissertation topics to write an excellent assignment on nursing and medicine

Nursing and medicine are major fields of study. They cover various complex topics that students have to study and master. However, these tough subjects often trouble students, and the problems only become worse when they have to write assignments, theses…

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Interesting topics to write a business dissertation

As a commerce student, you will have to study business a lot. Business studies is indeed an important subject, and will help you a lot in your future studies. During your academic life as a commerce student, you not only…

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The oldest universities in the world

All of us are well aware of the top most universities of the world, the kind of education that they provide, and the infrastructure that is available in these universities. However, a lot of us are blissfully unaware of the…

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Different types of discrimination and what causes them

Cultures, beliefs, religion, appearance, languages, etc. vary widely when it comes to individuals. Such diversity, even though desirable to create a unique society with varied and diverse people, is also the root cause for discrimination amongst human beings. At times,…

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Easy ways to write a compelling psychology assignment

Psychology is one subject that students find quite difficult to address. And if as a student, you have no idea of what to write in a psychology assignment, the task would only get tougher for you. You cannot digress too…

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Follow these tips to write excellent narrative essays

Narrative essays are basically essays that narrate a short story about an incident or episode; and how that particular event shaped an individual’s life. Narrative essays are a common piece of academic writing that teachers often assign to the students,…

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How can teachers promote technological literacy among students?

The modern world is characterized by rapid changes, be it in terms of the lifestyle, inventions, education systems or technology. And as global citizens, we need to embrace these changes and adapt ourselves to them in order to live comfortable…

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Benefits of learning academic writing from qualified experts

Writing an academic assignment is not an easy task, nor is it something that each and every student can accomplish effectively. While some students have a natural flair for writing and can articulate their thoughts well, other struggle with the…

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Common writing errors that mar the overall quality of an assignment

In your academic life, you will face a situation many times wherein you have written a fine quality assignment, but you still don’t get the grades that you think you deserved. You will find that the researched content was relevant,…

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The four P’s of Marketing

The favourite most topic of all business studies teachers when it comes to marketing is the four P’s of marketing. This is perhaps because not only is this an important topic that holds much relevance in real life, but also…

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