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Useful websites for students

There are various websites that are useful for students. With an advancement in technology these resources are available to all. Even if you are sitting in an office or at home these resources are accessible. Below are some websites that…

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This article is presented with the intent  to bring in your attention that why academic research is important before you do your homework, paper or any other assessment. Now, every student, who gets an assignment or any academic assessment form…

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How to improve your memory?

Memory as defined by psychology is process through which we encode, store and retrieve information. The meaning of encoding means to register, Storing means to put it in a permanent memory and retrieving refers to recalling. This is how memory’s…

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Things never to do in college?

If you are soon going to college we're sure you have plenty of plans, maybe even a bucket list of things you want to accomplish in the first semester. And you're constantly getting suggestions from people as to what to…

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The benefits of journaling

Keeping a journal is one of those things of the past that our generation sort of missed. Instead we believe in notes and sharing our feelings on more public platforms. Journaling, though, is a tradition that can be traced back…

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How can students Go Green?

We all know the importance of going green. Haven't we all pledged to be kinder to our planet every time we saw a documentary or read an article about how over utilization of resources is destroying our planet. But this…

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