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Five things that you should do to lead a better life

Academic life for students has become synonymous with teachers constantly nagging them to concentrate on their studies, so that they can secure well paying jobs for themselves later on in life. Even though this is a valid suggestion that young…

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Techniques that will come in handy while attempting an accounting coursework

Accounting as a subject is one that has a high complexity level. This means that as a student, you need to undertake a lot of efforts to master the subject. Moreover, accounting is not a very forgiving subject, so there…

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Submitting your assignment in time

Assignment writing is a universally hated activity. All across the globe, students resent this particular aspect of their school and college life. The entire process of choosing a topic, researching on it, sorting out relevant information, compiling it, then editing…

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Online teacher-student relationship: acceptable or not?

The internet and social media need no introduction. Forget teenagers, every child today is using the internet to search for information, complete assignments in time and for recreational purposes as well. Everyone has their respective accounts on social media, by…

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