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Clearing your college interview


Some of the universities conduct interviews for the admission as a part of the college application process. It is a great opportunity for the student to meet the representative of the college and show their interest, build a relationship with the people there and show the unique personality characteristic they can bring to the campus. For some students, it is a big task to perform and excel in the interview to get admission into their desired college.

In the process, you will get to talk one-on-one with the interviewer. You can also ask the questions, which will show your interests in the college. Here are some tips, how to pass your college interview actually:



The first impression is the last impression. This phrase, especially applies to the college interviews. When you shake hands with the interviewer, it shows your Confidence, which plays a bigger role rather than the looks. Wearing a full suit and tie is not necessary to wear in an interview; still, it makes a great first impression. The interviewer examines your behavior to judge your future behave in the class and the campus. It assures them that you won’t be a threat to the college reputation.



Do the research on the university; you have submitted your application.  Gain as much information as possible, before you go for your interview. It is mean to know, how well you will fit into the college as well as how the college fits you. Find out how much importance the university give to the interview process and prepare accordingly. Some colleges have informative as well as the evaluative interview, which later become a part of your admission file. Refer to the college website for the information. You can also ask the seniors and people about the university. When you prepare with the information, you can ask the questions specific to your interest.  Never ask the questions, to which answers are already available on the website, this shows your lack of preparation.



Most of the questions posed by the interviewer are to find out whether you would fit for the college. There are few questions asked that make you look stupid, remember the college is also trying to make an impression. Here is the list of the questions that can be posed in the interview:


  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Why do you want to attend this university?
  • How much do you know about the campus?
  • What are the contributes you will make to the college?
  • Is this college your first choice?
  • What other colleges are you interested in or applied to?
  • What major(s) you are interested in?
  • What extracurricular activities you were most involved in at the high school?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Tell about your internship/volunteer/job experience?
  • What are your plans for after college?
  • How would your friends describe you?
  • What is your greatest strength/weakness?
  • How do you deal with the stress?
  • What film or book has a significant impact on you and why?
  • Who is the most influential person in your life?


The college provides you an opportunity to ask questions and explore your academic preferences.  Here is the list of questions you can ask during your interview session:


  • Can you tell me more about the benefits, criteria and rewards of the program (any program like scholarship, athletics, honors, etc. you are interested in)?
  • How do you assist students in their career planning, internships or future job placements?
  • What preparation you have to deal with the emergencies like violent crimes, school shooting, and extreme weather conditions?
  • What advice would you give me as an incoming freshman?


Questions you should not ask your interviewer:


  • What are your chances of gaining admission
  • Ask formal and professional questions. Avoid any non-academic question
  • Any information that is easily available on the college website or through basic research.
  • Avoid too personal question about the interviewer




Follow up is important after the interview as it is a professional as well as polite thing to do and it would help you in your application. Within a week of the interview, send a thank-you note or email to the representative you spoke. The thank you note should be grammatically correct, clearly written, professional and genuine. You may also mention the additional information related to the issues you discussed during the interview. This helps you to continue to build up the relationship with your interviewer.


This article has been written by the assignment helper at Make my assignment.

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