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Common Grammatical Mistakes Made In Assignment

Common Grammatical Mistakes made in Assignment

Assignment writing is one of the most important tasks for students, so when it comes to submitting one, you must be very careful with its precision and originality of content. Although authenticity alone is not the only factor to determine the perfection of an assignment, you need to look out for other ones as well that can deteriorate the quality of your content.

Without the right knowledge of the specific grammar rules for academics, you cannot draft a paper that is good in quality and also fits in the perfect sense for dispersing meaning. Though many of you might be aware of what grammar is and how it needs to be used well while writing a paper, you might still not be aware of how it needs to be applied in terms of its rules. This is the main reason why students commit unnecessary grammatical mistakes in their paper. It is an undeniable fact to not consider grammar an important aspect of your assignment. It is the backbone of English, which is why it comes in broader terms when it comes to writing a paper. Unfortunately, many students lack in perfecting their basic skills for grammar; this is the reason why teachers keep telling their students to focus on this aspect of studying.

You cannot frame a proper sentence if you lack in this very aspect of English writing. And if you want to become a good writer in future, then you must have a good hand in grammar. The improper use of grammar can ruin the purpose of your article, and you would also fail to score good grades in academics. Sometimes, it even becomes difficult for readers to understand your article, if there’s no proper use of grammar.

So if you are not able to score well in academics because of your poor grammar skills, then look at this blog, where we have provided a list of some common grammatical mistakes that students make while writing their assignment.

Similar sounding words create confusion

We all know that there are numerous words in English that sound identical but are very different in terms of their meanings. Most students commit this mistake while writing their paper. Misusing the similar-sounding words can change the whole purpose of your sentence, with its true meaning, not reaching the audience. If you also feel the same confusion among different types of words, then it is better to clear it first before riding onto its conclusion.

Wrong use of helping verbs

According to the rule of English, the helping words need to be included depending upon its subject. So if the subject of your sentence is singular, then the helping verb should be singular as well. Students must avoid committing such common mistakes in their paper when it comes to submitting one for their assignment.

Incorrect use of the reflexive pronoun

This is commonly used in a sentence when a subject works for himself/herself. Also, the words that end with self or selves are considered to be the family of reflexive pronouns. So be careful while using one in a sentence, or you’ll change the entire meaning of your content.

Inappropriate use of Too, Even and Also

These three words are marked to be the family of conjunction dispersing the same meaning. So if you want to add some variations in your sentence, then you can use these conjunctions. But for that, you must be first aware of what its proper rules are in English.

Excessive use of passive voice

Being a writer, it is your duty to express ideas transparently. This needs to be done accordingly so that readers do not face any difficulty while reading your content. At times, you excessively use the words in the passive voice, which is not healthy for the formation of your paper. So it is your duty to ensure that such mistakes are not committed in your paper.

Inaccurate use of a comma

You only include commas in your sentence, when you have to join two independent sentences into one. In addition to this, a comma can also be used before some words like and, yet, but and so. The incorrect use of a comma can change the whole meaning of your sentence, so be careful while including one.

Misuse of ‘A’ and ‘The’

Unfortunately, many of you are not aware of the correct use of ‘A’ and ‘The’ in your sentence, which is why your sentences might look improper in its formation. So, don’t commit the common mistake of using ‘A’ in place of ‘The’ or vice versa, as this might ruin the quality of your paper.

So these were some of the common mistakes that students make while writing their paper. And in order to avoid them, work precisely on improving your grammar skills. This can help you enhance the quality of your paper. Apart from this, if you are not able to check well with what grammatical mistakes you’ve made in your assignment, then lookout for some online academic writing or editing services that offer professional guidance along with high-quality assignments to their clients.

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