Communication is leader’s most important skill
As said by James Humes “The art of communication is considered to be the language of leadership”. The statement clearly highlights that leadership is can’t be carried out in the absence of communication. It is universally accepted that good leaders are indeed communicators. Communication forms the medium to carry out leadership strategies and styles. Dealing with human behavior is considered to be the most difficult task and this is what solved with good communication skills. Communication is thus one string which ties together all other basic functions together. Communication is a medium to achieve all these other functions of leadership. Even if all these functional abilities are there in the leader, but he is not a good communicator then he can’t succeed. Many other famous leader writers like Gilbert Amelio and Elaine MacDonald highlight that being a good communicator is something which is mandatory for every leader to become a successful leader that contributes towards the completion of assignments.

Looking at any path including sports, corporate or politics, each field justifies that communication is needed to be an effective leader. Leadership is no doubt involved with planning actions, organizing, taking decisions, motivation, etc. but all these are tied with a golden thread called communication. All strategies and decisions go in vain if these are not implemented. For implementation and motivating other people to abide to them the leader has to communicate and tactfully convince the followers to work in that direction. When your team knows your goals when they are constantly given feedbacks they work more efficiently and gains more satisfaction. Even in case of leading some social campaigns also the leader should be able to pass on the message to others. No matter how good and effective our idea is, the customers and followers will get attracted only if these are reached to them.
Communication is not a science rule which can be mugged up and can be applied in every situation in same way. Communication is considered as an art which is needed to be modified as per the situation and is thus a skill which can only be learnt over a period of time through practice. A leader has to modify his communication strategies as per his/ her followers, their attitudes and the purpose which he needs to achieve through his communication. Leader is burdened with many responsibilities of planning, implementations, motivations and follow ups. A leader can naturally possess these communication skills or can develop overtime.
Many companies like Yahoo, who had struggled for success for many years have finally succeeded by adopting effective communicative leadership. They have realized the importance that the visions and targets can only be realized when the followers are motivated to achieve them. Motivation thus can only be achieved by effective communication techniques. Also, as being a leader of any customer oriented activity like sales force etc.; there also communication forms the basis of how good leader you are. Here the customer can only be persuaded to make a sale if he is made clear about the purpose and usefulness of a product and thus your leadership qualities are based on how can communicate with the prospective customer.
Leader is associated with presentations, report discussions, meeting,assignment writing, where the leader is required to present his opinions, ideasand facts & figures. His ideas can only be used only if he can express them impressively among people and can attract them with their positive outcome. In order to incorporate his ideas in the strategies, he has to put them forward in front of management. This shows that for planning attribute as well communication is required. For instance, in our job of assignment writing service, we need to communicate with a large number of people on regular basis and its the good communication skills that help to deliver plagiarism free assignments.
Some can argue that it is not necessary that a poor communicator can still be a good leader because of other qualities he possesses. He can still use his vision and far sightedness to prove himself an effective leader. But they need to understand that to spread sunlight, the sun has to rise up. Similarly, the vision and qualities that the leader has within him, he has to express and communicate these to others in order to use them in process of leadership. He has to be an expressive not only in terms of verbal communication techniques, but also in non-verbal techniques especially when it comes to a corporate world. The leader also sets the norms of corporate discipline by the way he interacts with others. Both formal and informal relations are affected by the way the communication hierarchy follows in an organization.
Also, some leaders are of the opinion that once they communicate the work to do to his subordinates, his communication work is done. Here the leaders should be made to realize that it is not an effective communication as in such cases communication purpose is not solved. There has to be a regular interaction regarding giving feedbacks, asking for follower’s opinions and for motivating them to give their best possible efforts.
Now the importance of communication in leadership and day to day corporate operations is so universally accepted that in last few years there is total transformation in enterprise communication. Some new solutions like SaaS by Sales force, Voxeo, TigerText which are a revolution in enterprise communication.
Considering all the above arguments we can conclude that without communication even the finest leadership techniques can’t be fruitful. Leader’s basic functional objectives can be achieved only if he follows effective communicative techniques. What is there in his head has to be reached to other people so as to motivate them to achieve the targets. They should be made clear what they are needed to do, the purpose of work they are doing and giving them regular feedback. Other leadership abilities should be combined with important skill of communication in order to bring out the best possible results. Thus, a leader can be successful leader only when he can reach out to people by realizing importance of effective communication.