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Critical Evaluation Of A Topic For Assignment

Critical Evaluation of a topic for Assignment

Academic writing is an integral part of university curriculum. Every coursework or assignment writing task involves an in-depth study or analysis of the subject. Students often find it difficult for them to evaluate a topic critically, especially when it is completely based on what score you’ll get for it in academics.

There’s no right or wrong path to approach a topic critically. Academic research and collection of facts give you the freedom to choose any one side of the argument so that you can interpret them well in your writing. Similarly, a critical analysis process is meant to stimulate your intellect and internal capabilities. It somehow keeps you mentally engaged with the subject you choose for writing.

Take a look at this blog further to know more about the evaluation of a topic and how to ace your assignments critically-

Most of you might confuse this concept with criticism, but in reality, critical appraisal is quite different from criticism. Critical analyzation for a topic involves collecting information, sorting it out and then figuring out its practical use. The central point for critical analysis is to question the facts presented to you. Make sure that you also check the credibility and relevance of the information and data you find for your content.

Many universities allow students to pick their own area of research and expand upon it through content. Here, you can choose some text or theory for discussion and further arguments to be made in your content. Here are the five main factors for selecting an appropriate topic for your research-

  • How relevant is the topic?
  • What source material needs to be used for it?
  • What is the scope of your research?
  • What are the key assumptions made out of your content?
  • What is your understanding regarding the content?

Understand the background and purpose of your content because setting the issue into context is one of the most important things for a research paper. Here are a few methods that can help you out with the process of writing-

Method 1 – The Central reading

This is your very first encounter with the topic. For writing, you need a required source or text to represent your content and its time. Under this aspect, you consider a central theme from some book or text and then correlate it with the topic assigned to you. This practice tends to open up some new avenues for you and the research work provided to you.

Method 2 – The Personal reading

This is where you put your private life into the equation. Generally, a text like this is often autobiographical. So it includes sections or episodes from the author’s life or situations. This provides a personal touch to the topic with an exciting contrast of what the author means and how he wants to interpret his views in the content.

Method 3 – The Modern reading

This is where you identify the contemporary relevance of your text. There’s no need to discuss the background or any personal details regarding the history of the author. With the help of modern reading, the reader gets a clear idea about the application and purpose of your research.

Method 4 – The practical reading

This brings in a bit mathematical aspect to your content. This section involves the use of graphs, numbers and scientific studies. With the help of such data, you can analyse the findings and arrive at a definite conclusion. This doesn’t limit your research to some facts or theory; rather, its more about comparing those facts and looking at the results from different perspectives. This provides an unbiased representation of your paper.

So, these were some essential methods that could be employed well for your critical analysis process. Apart from this, if you need any kind of academic help for your assignments or projects, feel free to contact our online academic writing services for professional help and guidance.

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