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Homework As A Powerful Tool For Teachers

Homework as a Powerful Tool for Teachers

We all know that it is quite tough for students to prepare their homework with all that complexity and burden exerted on them. It’s an ongoing process for teachers and parents as well, where they have to work diligently with their pupils for their overall development. The only purpose of assigning homework to students is to promote their learning and knowledge base that can help them understand the procedures and various concepts. Assigning homework to students is quite a relevant task for students as it helps teachers receive their timely performance in terms of feedback.

In earlier times, assigning loads of homework to students was a way of life for many teachers, but today many schools and universities are opting to give more quality time to students to socialize and take part in extra-curricular activities. This has been witnessed due to a growing concern about the changing dynamics of living and education. Even many students today opt for online homework help services to grab quality services from experts regarding their homework projects and assignments.

There have been many debates regarding the amount of homework provided to students, of whether it needs to be loaded or a bit decreased with a lessened burden on students. However, according to the National Education Association, students must be surely assigned with 10 minutes of homework per grade per night. This means that a maximum of 2 hours needs to be assigned to high school senior students.

According to some reports, many teachers and academicians have suggested that loads of assignments put unnecessary pressure on students. And at times, it might not actually help them with the learning process. In that case, there’s no use of actually assigning homework tasks to students.

One of the latest articles published in the Journal Education Next states that many American students do not have that much amount of homework, often that has been remarked to be very little in comparison to other countries and cities.

Homework gap

There are not just institutional or educational barriers obstructing the learning of students; there’s a significant ‘homework gap’ that has been deteriorating the quality of education for a long time. This has been majorly defined as the gap between the haves and haves not. Under such situation, the ones who do not have an internet connection suffer the most as they face difficulties with the compilation of their assignments and homework.

According to a recent report, as of 2015, about 40% of students did not have an internet connection at their homes that majorly affected their learning process. And a survey conducted in the year 2016 reflected that 70% of the teachers’ assignments or homework consisted of the work to be taken out from the internet. That means it required a stable internet connection at homes of students that can help them with their learning. But the ones who couldn’t afford it had it face its consequences.

Therefore, many researchers and academicians embarked on this notion that teachers must be mindful while assigning homework tasks to students, along with proper consideration of resources that are available to them at home. They were told not to assign such tasks to students that require an internet connection or even the use of computers or mobile phones.

Well, if you are also loaded with mounds of homework and assignments for your academics, then feel free to contact our online homework help service to avail the best homework help for your academic assignments. Head towards our website now to know more about our assignment services and other necessary benefits. We hire an experienced team of professionals for our expert panel to guide students with the best online academic help in their respective areas.


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