How can students make the optimum use of their spring vacation?
Spring breaks are no doubt the best vacation of the entire academic year. The weather is so pleasant, and nature is at its best. Naturally, no student feels like studying or completing homework; all they want to do is play outside with their friends, have picnics or go out on trips with family members and have a good time.
Academic breaks are however the best time to cope with difficult subjects, brush up previously learnt lessons, and to start preparing for the upcoming exams.
Here is how you can make the best possible use of your vacations, so that you get the best of both worlds, and manage to use your time wisely and effectively.
Give your mind time to relax before the exams
After two months of endless struggling between school, extra-curricular activities, tuitions and family, the mind naturally gets tired of school and all the related turmoil. This then starts to affect the academic progress of a student, which is but natural and expected in such a scenario.
Spring breaks are the ideal time to give some rest to your brain, and refresh yourself; especially when you have exams round the corner. Make sure that you relax during your holidays. Spend time playing your favourite games, reading your favourite books and doing the things that you love to do. Spending time with family, relatives and friends can also help you in making the most of your break.
Don’t forget to give ample time to studies
It is highly doubtful that you will spend a lot of time playing and wandering around when you have exams approaching soon. Therefore, make sure that you give at least 2 hours to your studies each day, and that you prepare well for your exams.
Focus on revising all the concepts that you have learnt so far, instead of cramming new concepts. Try and stay stress free so that you can deal with the exams in a better way, and make notes for different subjects that you can use later on during exam time for a quick revision.
Develop a healthy lifestyle
Having a healthy lifestyle is proven to lead to better academic performance in school and college. Try and develop healthy habits during your vacations. Eat well and healthy foods, and also make it a point to exercise each day.
Spring holidays are the best time to start a new healthy practice. Try and get up early in the morning, and go for a walk or a quick jog. Also, try and get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Eating healthy foods and avoiding junk food is also recommended. Do this for a week, and notice a change in your life for yourself.
Plan a trip to your favourite place
Spring time is oh-so-lovely, and you cannot miss out on the opportunity of going out with your friends and family and having a good time. Travel to far off places; and if that is not feasible, plan a one-day excursion to the best places in your city or town. The entire point is that you need to get out of your study zone before you start preparing for your exams again.
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