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In distance education or a correspondence course, a person doesn’t need to sit in a traditional classroom and face the faculties in front of them. On the other end, teachers also don’t need to be present in the classroom physically. In distance learning, distance does not matter at all. Due to online courses, the interaction between teachers and students has become very easy. The students don’t shy anymore for asking any doubts from the teacher. Communication between teachers and students happens through various mediums. They can communicate through video calling, through chat, through the forum, and many other ways available on the internet.

Evolution of Distance Education

From last three decades, the concept of online education is evolving at an alarming rate. In the middle of the 19th century, the concept of online education started evolving when the postal mail services started developing. Sir Issac Pitman was a teacher of England who supported the idea of distance education.

Today’s scenario of distance education

Initially, distance learning was dependent on exams only, but now the scenario has been changed. Today mostly it takes place with the help of the internet. The internet has built the medium of communication which is quite faster, easier, and more efficient. This is the reason why it has been called as the medium. People for distance education programs now rely on the internet rather going to universities to complete the formality.

Whereas physical mail took many days to arrive at the recipient, but now everything can be sent as a soft copy, for example, forms, receipts and course materials can be sent via email in seconds. Traditional postal mail was really very difficult and time-consuming to send than email because it needed a person especially to go to the post office. But now it is easy and very convenient to send an email and post things on social media or online forums, as this can be done from the desk of someone.

Also, it is possible that voice and video conferencing, which students can listen to lectures live, and can ask their queries to teachers instantly. So we can say the internet has made distance learning more efficient and convenient. The student can organize their own schedule according to their time and comfort.

Drawbacks of this system

There are so many merits of this system. If I tell you that there are demerits of this system too, most of you will be surprised. The drawbacks are, a student cannot have that kind of face-to-face interaction with the students or the teacher which is received in a traditional classroom or there can be a problem of internet connection in the network, due to which a student can’t study or prepare for the exam on that day.

The online education system has its own merits and demerits. Still, there are a lot of people who are opting for online education system even after knowing its demerits. From this, you can imagine what kind of future online education holds.

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