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How to choose the right course for college?

The end of school is a really crucial time in a student’s life, not only because this is the moment that you and everyone else in your life has been preparing you for but also because it is the moment to decide which course (as in path) to take in life. While the decision is easy for some, for others it can be a time of anxiety. Just know, it is absolutely normal to not completely know what it is that you want from life, in fact I feel it all the more better, but knowing what interests you and having a slight inclination to a certain field of study helps in making that big decision.

How to choose the right course for college?

How to choose the right course for college?

So for all you worry warts, here are some key points to keep in mind when making the decision:

Where does your interest lie?

Let’s admit it, we live in a busy world and choosing a career means doing something for a long time. It makes sense then to follow your interest or as our generation likes to say it – passion. Give it a priority over everything else, as long as you make the decision for a good reason you won’t regret it.

It is not easy to find what you love, so give it some thought. Research a little bit about what it entails as a job and then move on to step two.

Find your University

Chances are that you have a dream college in mind, that you’ve planned to go to since forever. Well, make sure your dream college and field of interest fit together. For example if you’ve always wanted to go to Cambridge and then decide you want to take a chemistry course, that’s a bad idea because the college doesn’t have a dedicated program in the subject.

Keep in mind the college ranking, reputation, RTI, Co curriculars, faculty etc when choosing the college. Also make sure you go over the course syllabus, a fashion course at two different colleges can follow different curriculums. So, make sure you like the subjects that you’ll be taking and atlas know what you’re getting into. You can also speak to the counsellors at the college for guidance.

Career plans

Of course, it’s important to pick your subjects keeping in mind your future. If you are set on a career that you want to pursue then you pick the course that will help you achieve it. So, it you’ve dreamt of becoming a businessman then you look for a degree in entrepreneurship with a specialization in your area of interest.


Also, keep in mind your academic qualification when choosing a course. You should not decide to take a college math course if you didn’t take A level math in school.

Whatever you choose, make a calculated decision and if you find out later that you don’t enjoy what you are doing as much as you thought you did just remember that’s experience. There are things you also learn after making mistakes, so don’t fear making mistakes.

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