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How To Deal With The Writer’s Block?

How to deal with the writer’s block?

The writer’s block is a common phenomenon, and is something that is inevitable. Simply put, writer’s block is a situation where in the writer does not get any good ideas to write, and consequently his or her work suffers greatly. This situation may arise when a writer is experiencing some personal problems or emotional trauma, or simply because of procrastination. Unfortunately, the human mind cannot come up with new and exciting ideas every single time you try to think of something, and this fills the mind of the reader with great tension and anxiety. However, a writer should have information in his mind rather than stress, since writing requires concentration and dedication.

As students, we also often face the same situation when we sit down to write an assignment or dissertation, but cannot think of any valuable point to write down. This puts students at the risk of losing their valuable marks.

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you to overcome the writer’s block, so that you can commence writing again and finish your assignment within time.

Read your assignment as a whole

Instead of reading and re-reading the part where you are stuck, read your assignment or dissertation as a whole. This will give you an idea of the bigger picture, and hopefully clear away your writer’s block.

Read something

Try to read something that is related to your studies, and see if that inspires you. If that does not work, simply pick up any text that you like and start reading that. Reading works of other writers and coming across different ways that they use to put across their thoughts will give some exercise to your brain cells, and you would be able to resume writing soon.

Divert your attention

If the above two methods don’t work, take a complete break and focus your attention on something else. Do some household chores such as cleaning your room or rearranging your wardrobe, have a cup of coffee or go outside for a brisk walk or a jog. Indulging in these activities can be refreshing for your mind, and motivate you to write again. Stop thinking about your assignment for some time, and give your writing a break.

Write something else instead

If you are finding it hard to look at your assignment, start to write something else that you have been ignoring. Answer your emails, or simply write a thank you card that you have been meaning to write for long. This little activity will make you realize that it is the actual writing that is a problem, and not the process of working up new ideas. After some time, you should be able to work on your assignment again.

Work under pressure

Pressure can yield excellent results for a lot of people. In fact, a lot of people only get creative ideas when they are under pressure, are fatigued or are feeling worn out, as compared to when they are feeling fresh. Try and write under pressure if that stimulates you. However, keep in mind that this is not a universal tactic to overcome the writer’s block and works only on a few people.

Write in a different place

Changing the scenery and surroundings can do wonders for you. Pack your bag, pick up your books and your writing material, and head out to a park, a café, a library or any other place where you can find a calm atmosphere.

Research about the topic

If any of these ideas don’t work, and you are still stuck with your assignment, spend some time researching for the assignment, and in specific about the part where you are stuck. Even if you don’t find something new, you will be assured that whatever you know and think is correct; and this will encourage you to write further.

This article was written by an assignment expert from MakeMyAssignments. For more such blogs and discussions on these kinds of burning issues, visit the blog section of the website and feel free to share your valuable opinions with us. We also provide excellent assignment writing services to students all across the globe to make sure that they score well in their exams and can find excellent jobs for themselves later on. Our assignment services are reliable and affordable, and will go a long way in helping you achieve your long term goals!





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