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How to improve your assignments?

If your last assignment grade did not turn out as expected, don’t worry you’re not alone. It happens a lot with students because they don’t realize what should go into their assignment, they don’t know the ingredients of a perfect assignment and thus they fail to impress the teacher more often than not. It’s quite simple really, all you need to be is familiar to certain rules.

How to improve your assignments?

How to improve your assignments?

Collect essential material

This is step number one. The first thing you need to do is gather all the information you can about your topic. Once you have all the information it’s best to organize it and get familiar with it. All this helps in a deeper understanding of the topic while also helping you in collecting your thoughts which will come in handy when you get down to writing them.

Read with understanding

Of course to collect all that information you need to read through it and understand it more importantly. There’s no shortcut or alternative to that one.


This is where you find additional information for your assignment, other than the reading list prescribed to you. Trust me your teacher will be very impressed if you go the extra mile and this will most likely fetch you some extra points. Your library probably has a quiet reading corner to aid you, it might even have clubs that organize group discussions, these might be useful be gaining an extra perspective about things.

Create notes

It’s best to make notes of all the extra study that you do. Remember to also take down details like author, source title and chapter title along with publishing details because you’ll need to mention these in your assignments, in fact referencing is a very important part of your assignment.

Think critically

This is a skill that is acquired with practice but the rationale here is that your professor would like to know what you think every once in while rather than have you quote other people all the time. It’s a most important skill that you ought to work on as a student, especially in the modern scenario of education. (You can check you a previous article we wrote on the topic – how to cultivate critical thinking)


Regardless of your subject or topic of the assignment you assignment has to follow a structure, i.e, it has to have an introduction followed by the body of your essay and then the conclusion. Follow his structure and you can’t go wrong.


To achieve the perfect structure, draw an outline of your piece before writing. This includes identifying the key words of your essay, sketching the structure, so that when you start writing you only have to expand this outline.

Appropriate language

Your essay has to be formal and precise, avoid redundant words, use simple vocabulary and simple sentences. Also, make sure you are using the right tense and avoid using personal pronouns (I/me).


Know when to break the paragraph and again, use simpler, shorter sentences for more effect.


We can’t insist enough on the power of grammar and for this you need to work on your writing skills more. Avoid making grammatical errors and proofread your work no matter what before submission.

For good quality, plagiarism free assignments, do check out our website

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