How to revise smartly to score well in exams
Ah! The dreaded word ‘exams’! Have you ever wondered why do people fear giving exams? A lot of students put in so much effort throughout the semester so that they can perform well in exams later on, but when the moment to prove their knowledge and learning actually comes, they become anxious and start having nervous breakdowns. This fear of exams is not because students don’t know their texts well, or because they have not studied; it is only because they are afraid of things slipping out of their mind at the last moment.
Let’s face it, the syllabus for an exam is really a lot, and it is difficult to remember each and every thing, especially when a student would have studied many of the topics long ago. This is where revision comes to the rescue.
It a very good practice to develop the habit of revising everything that you have learnt throughout the semester. Revision makes everything fresh in your mind, so that you don’t go blank when you appear for the exam.
Here are some tips to help you revise all that you have studied so far, so that you can score better in your exams.
Do not postpone the process
A lot of students have the habit of pushing their revision ahead to further dates, because they feel that revision is best done one night before the exam. There can be nothing more wrong and harmful than this habit.
Before the exam, you would have to revise different chapters and lessons, all of which will have ranging levels of complexity. Some may take more time to get into your mind than others. If you start revising at the end moment, these difficult topics will freak you out, and it will hamper your emotional stability during the exams, which will lower your overall result.
Tackle the complex topics first
It is human tendency to avoid the most difficult confrontations and schedule them for later on, but it is better to just get done away with these daunting things. Once you have revised your difficult chapters, you will not only feel much more relaxed, but your morale will also boost up, and you will consequently study with greater enthusiasm later on.
Pay full attention to each and every topic
If you are revising with your mind wandering off to places other than the study material, the process of revising is a sheer waste of time for you. On the contrary, studying with high levels of concentration will help you to better remember the written material, and thus lead you to write better in exams.
Find a method that suits you
Not all students can learn the same way, because not all brains think alike. As a student, you would have to work it out and discover for yourself the method that works best for you.
Highlighting the relevant information, using sticky notes and mind-mapping are some commonly used methods that have helped a lot of students in their revision.
Focus on understanding rather than rote learning
Cramming and mugging up topics may seem like an easy way out, but information gathered in this way is as easily lost as it was gained. If you do not understand the topics, you will not be able to write them properly in the exam since you will tend to forget a lot of these mugged up facts.
Eat healthy food during your exams
It is a must to consume healthy food so that your mind and body stay fresh and active, and can function properly in the exams. Avoid junk food, and also do not drink too much caffeine.
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