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How To Write A Short Essay?

How to write a Short Essay?

At some point or another, students have to face the burden of compiling lots and lots of assignments during their academic career for final assessments. These kinds of assignments usually comprise of different reflective essays, art reviews, scientific dissertations, research papers, lab reports and so on. The most common kind of assignment that every student gets in his/her academic career is the short essay writing one. The generic format for such short essay is the introductory section, body (two paragraphs), and the conclusion. The text length or the word limit should not exceed from 250 words, or else there’s no point in calling it a short essay.

When you include a single-spaced format in your content, then the whole length of your essay will bound against the reach of half-page; whereas, in the double-spaced document the whole length of the essay would go for the full page. Apart from this, the other parameters that help define the page size of your essay are – the type of font, size of margin and font size.

When we talk about the number of sentences that need to be included in your essay, remember that it varies depending upon the writing style and complexity of your topic. So you must make sure that only relevant and valuable sentences are included in your essay. However, if you still want to know what are the basic academic conventions for the number of sentences to be included in your short essay, then you must know that it follows around 25 to 30 sentences. Though the writer has the liberty to include as many sentences as he wants as per his personal views and opinions, it is strictly guided by the experts that we should only make use of precise and to the point sentences in our short essay. The major academic tools that are important for drafting this piece of literature are – the perfect format and appropriate keywords.

Effective guidelines for writing a short essay

The below-mentioned guidelines should be followed precisely while drafting the short-length essay for academics-

Valid thesis statement

The whole discussion made in your essay should be based on the core concept of your thesis statement. The statement should be relevant and precise in nature. The presence of any filler content or irrelevant context in your statement can attract high penalties in the final academic evaluation.

Impressive introduction

Though the introductory part is always written in a very elaborate manner, in short-length essays, it needs to be restricted to a very smart volume. The basic area which the essay tends to explore in the forms of its content should be mentioned carefully in the introductory section. This section needs to be more engaging in terms of others because only then you will be able to stick your audience to the whole essay. So make sure that you do include some interesting and catchy lines in your introductory content.

Drafting the main body

This is where you include the main body section of your essay and talk about things regarding the discussion made on your topic. Here the writer is expected to present a more detailed discussion on the topic. The body should be drafted with precise paragraphs that are supported well with good arguments and facts. As per the experts, it is recommended that you limit your body section to around 130 to 150 words.

Writing the conclusion

This section must be utilized well by the writer to draft a final argument on their selected topic or theme. It should not exceed the limit of 50 words in its content and must be precise in every manner.

Proofreading and revisions

There’s no point in providing an essay filled with lots of grammatical mistakes and contextual errors. You must make sure that you proofread it well before submitting it to the teacher. You could also seek help from your fellow colleagues or friends to guide you with the process.

So this was all about the short essay writing process and its necessary guidelines that can help you compile one for your academics. Apart from this, if you need any kind of academic help regarding your university assignments or essays, feel free to contact our online essay writing services for professional help and guidance.

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