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How To Write The Best Literature Review?

How to write the best Literature Review?

We often come across many literature reviews in some of the most prestigious research papers and journals and wonder what made this review worth publishing? Can you also write one such kind of literature review that is worth publishing and reaches millions of readers? Well, for writing one, you need to be aware of its structure, and there’s a lot more than this that can make you write a perfect literature review.

With the help of a literature review, we are guided towards the concept of our writing and make readers aware of the knowledge and information that have already been published on the topic. However, we all must remain unbiased while presenting our ideas in the literature review section. Our only focus should be on the research objective, purpose, issue, problem and discussion on the topic.

The prime objective of a literature review is to seek information and add meaning to your content by scanning every hook and crook of the topic and its concerned literature draft. This can be done with the help of a user manual or some good books and articles. However, we are required to present our ideas in the form of critical appraisal of the concerned literature. By applying the fundamentals of the analysis system, we remain unbiased and propose a valid study before the readers.

The literature review needs to be productive and should be linked to the research question and the thesis. It must be proficient in a manner that the readers are able to synthesize the results into a summary and are aware of everything possible.

How to begin?

Once you have selected an appropriate topic for your research, the next thing that you need to do is formulate that topic into a research question. And after its successful formation, it is time to present your literature review. A literature review is that part of your research where you present a critical summary of all published works that are related to the topic. The major aspect of a successful literature review is its comprehensive nature.

The prime objective of a literature review is to showcase and convince the readers that you have done your part of research and are also aware of the existing literature in the field.

Tips for writing an effective Literature review

Broaden your research area

It is essential for researchers not to restrict their thinking while doing research. You might stumble upon the research question for several days, but this doesn’t mean that your thinking become too constricted. Due to some reason, we might not be able to envision other research areas that might be crucial for our work; even if we do, we forget to link it directly. Explore the internet deeply and search the research area to fill in the gaps in your work and to add value to your content. By broadening our search area, we tend to come across pertinent literature that can be backed with useful information for your paper.

Applying right keywords

Some of you might struggle with the collection of the right sources of information. This can be due to the usage of unrelated or irrelevant keywords. In that case, you must always keep your keywords well-targeted towards the research paper and the ones that are significant to it. Once you have framed an appropriate research question, follow up with some good keywords for your content.

Extensive exploration of relevant articles

If you have limited sources of information, then you need to work upon this aspect as soon as possible. And to do that, you must invest enough time, energy, hard work and resources to find relevant articles and explore them in detail.

Follow the citations carefully

With the help of citations, the readers navigate to prior research on a particular topic. So, by acknowledging a citation, we are accepting that we have used the sources of other articles in our content. This process not only provides credibility to your content but also prevents your paper from being accused of plagiarism.

So, this was all about the writing and significance of a literature review that can help students compile their research papers effectively. Apart from this, if you ever need help regarding your research papers or assignments, feel free to contact our online research assignment help services for professional help and guidance.

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