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Importance Of Summer Intern


Summer internship is a time when students get the taste of the real world out there .There are two types of students who go for summer internships. For the first category we have students who work for money whereas other types of students takes their experience and the knowledge gained as their salary. In most cases companies take interns from universities and pay them nothing for the work they do, and it is a fact that they do a lot of work. In some cases interns are handed the task of mental activity with the company. As there are students who are not sure about the internship they tend to usually skip it and they prefer spending their time going out or doing something on their own.

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Well, we have a different opinion about internships and would advise all the students regarding it. There are lot of negative rumors about summer internship however your summers cannot be spent better. There are many reasons which can tell you how summer intern will benefit you.

1.You will learn practical concepts which are not taught in classrooms

Things that you learn in university are more about theoretical concepts. There is some practical work assigned by the professors which is related to the theoretical concepts. However these are not even close to real industry requirements. Working with a company can give you the much needed exposure. The intern might not get paid but the knowledge gained is priceless.

2. Work that you do there will be counted

As a fresh college graduate having some work experience is like icing on the cake. If you work for a couple months with a company it will benefit you in your job interview. The reason behind this is but obvious. The company will save cost and time which they would have spent on your training. Students with some knowledge of working in a company are beneficial to it.  The reason is quite obvious. A company saves a lot of cost that they would have spent on your training to bring you to a certain level. Students with prior working knowledge are favorable to the companies.

3.Defining your career path

In recent times most students cannot decide what work they want to do. Few students want to go in a consulting line whereas some want core jobs while her want to work in a bank. These are true for every student, not just a specific one branch of students like engineering or management. Working for a company as an intern can help you in giving an insight of the true nature of the work which you will get while working. If one wants to go in an engineering firm and work as a software developer then interning in a firm like it can help in deciding the career path. If you don’t find the job interesting you can always change your career options.

4.Internship will help you in improving skills

Working as an intern will definitely help you in improving your skills. You need improved skills as the projects you will come across while working will not be projects that you used to do in university these will be enterprise level projects which require polished and improved skills. Doing an internship can help you by equipping you will the tools for a better future.

5.Network building and improving chances of getting a job

While working as an intern you will have access to experienced and best minds .If you can showcase your skills in this environment, you could be the possible candidate for the job. The person having experience does not expect a lot from the interns but a little effort form you can make a big difference. More importantly there are many networking events happening in the company and you can benefit a lot if you can make connection with important people.

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