Our Leadership Style that makes us Different
Recently there was an event where there was urgent need to encourage women empowerment at a global pace. Here we came across many global incidences where women are highly suppressed from various important rights in many countries like Iraq, Arab nations, India, Pakistan, etc. The main aim was of their social safety and empowerment at international level by showcasing them.

Description of group’s innovation and creation:
Being the group leader my keen responsibility is the success of the event. It was really important that everyone will come with their innovative ideas and give up their amazing ideas to accomplish this assignment. For creative and powerful ideas all of us had worked together so that our important social message is successfully spread to the audiences. Many people also suggested the ideas of live plays as it will create a direct impact on people and they would be successfully moved for this motion.
Evaluating ideas which helped the group:
As a leader I made sure to modify the unstructured ideas of the members in most impressive and cost effective manner. The primary aim was to implement Marketing concepts to make my assignment. We later chose ideas like to do live plays was as these can be enacted in most powerful ways by highlighting the emotions and trauma suffered by women. Also these were easy to plot as we knew the incidents in details and thus can make things clear to audiences. Also several side ideas like some recorded videos of how some feminist movements succeeded in the past had an overwhelming response as to how changing attitudes at even scratch level can have a massive impact at global levels.
Evaluation of ideas which were of no help
Gaining of support through posters and different political speeches were a part of traditional ideas but were ignored because they were typically old. No impact was created on the audiences as all the approaches proved to be very monotonous and more of theoretical approach. After this it was concluded that to gain people attention more emphasis had to be laid on emotional and heart touching techniques.
From the victim women direct speech records were of no help as it could hamper the emotions of victims.
Discussion of different approaches
Many famous NGOs for collaborations and sponsorships of the event could be approached to make the event more successful. By this we could gather more funds for the cause and at the same time event could be more attractive. Any broadcasting agency could also be asked to cover the event due to which larger audience can access to the event. Due to this people of remote and isolated areas can also be approached. The main segment that has to be highlighted to our audience is the change in the attitude of illiterate people towards
Leadership theory and working with teams
Participative theory was followed for this activity. As it was a social event we need to touch those which have diverse ideas. So a pool of ideas need to be created to choose the most effective and innovative ideas. Being the leader I tried to motivate everyone so that they come up with different ideas to make the event successful and to achieve our target of getting positive attitude. Many alienated followers who had powerful thinking abilities but lacked in participative approach were part of that group. To get their participation I motivated them a lot. Many were hesitant before but later came with very good ideas.
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