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Planning Studying Abroad- UK

Finding a right course and the right country as per your preference becomes paramount when a great career is to shape. Studying abroad is an option of choice and exposure. It has its benefits most significant being the job opportunities take a wider turn; it surely adds up to a good resume. Some might also plan to settle abroad and hence study abroad is one of the principal motives then. Learning about different cultures, having an exposure overall apart from just career, meeting students from all over the world moreover finding people with the same set of interests can be an added value to your career formation.

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United Kingdom has several prestigious universities offering great courses, every year about 6000000 students fly out to the UK for their further studies.It is a world leader in many areas of education including engineering, science, art and design, business and management, law and finance. What may interest you is that the UK education system gives students the freedom to combine courses and subjects from different areas of studies so that you can tailor your degree to your needs and interest.

Admission Criteria

The central intake offered by all Universities is September / October few universities offer Jan / Feb intake too.

English Language Requirements

  • IELTS minimum score of 7.0 for Postgraduate and 6.5 for Undergraduate Studies.
  • TOEFL minimum score of 90 (Internet Based Test) for Postgraduate and 80 (Internet Based Test) for Undergraduate Studies.
  • The exemption is possible if the student has scored above 70% in the English language in the X and XII std (English Medium) & if the medium of instruction throughout school & college was English.


  • 65% and above for humanities in XIIth.
  • 70 – 80% and above for Science, Commerce, Engg in 12th
  • The 2nd class could also be considered by some Universities if there is some additional qualification/experience. (Foundations and Diploma programs are available for students who have secured below 60%)
  • Completed / will complete 18 years of age before joining a degree program.


60 % and above in 1st degree is required by most of the Universities for Masters and Research courses.

Some universities may even accept the student at 55% and above in the 1st degree GMAT scores ranging between 600-700 by many Universities for Management Programs

if required. Full-time work experience of at least 2-4 years after 1st degree required by many Universities for Management Programs (MBA). The same may vary from University to University

All MBA accredited universities need a minimum of 3 years of work experience and age criteria of 25 years plus as a minimum age requirement.


  • Attested copies of mark sheets of Std X, XII, and all the three /four / five years of the Bachelor’s degree.
  • At least, 2 Academic reference letters from professors who have taught you most recently. If you have work experience then at least one action recommendation from the employer who knows you well and can comment on your professional abilities.
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Curriculum Vitae / Resume.
  • Photocopied score reports of GMAT / IELTS / TOEFL if available / required.
  • Portfolio (in the case of Students applying for art and design courses & Architecture programs).
  • Others (Certificates/achievements at the State and National Level and extracurricular activities).

Hence once sorting all the criteria and requirements you can secure a seat for your desired course and experience the great British life and making the most out of it. One should take extra care what opportunities they might strike them from time to time and shape up to their utmost effort.

Considerably when a person enters a new country, he is likely to face a lot of competition and a new pattern of study. He needs time to understand such patterns and align his efforts according to that. Thus, in that case, if you need any form of assignment help, then make my assignment is always available to help you.

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