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Risk Management in Health and Social Care Organizations within Individual Care Planning

Risk is the chance that the results of an event can become harmful for some persons or other people who come in contact with them. Such events can become risky because of the following reasons: health conditions, impairment and disability, some accidents which may occur at social care or support service, in everyday activities, alcohol or drug misuse, medication, poor service and planning in the management. Such types of risks can be reduced by support of family and staff and others. However, individuals should guard someone from harm for safety so that one can themselves manage the risks.

There is a need to encourage staff of all the services to search actively with the users of the service and their careers the outcomes and the benefits of positive risk management. For this, the health and social care organizations should effectively identify, assess and manage the risks and support them with practical tools and policies and procedures. The needs of the individuals should be met. Some of the ways in order to meet the needs of older people and persons with disability and work practitioners can be: their independence should be promoted, new skills should be developed in order to help them and maintain safety, the focus should be on enhancing their abilities rather than their disabilities, enhance and promote working environments which are safer and hygienic, training should be provided to the staff by an agency, auditing and monitoring of the responses for services provided should be done periodically, organizations should consider individual’s inclusion in those activities in which they would be interested and would like to take part in.

In order to manage the conditions in a better way, the risks involved in the personalized care planning of the individuals who need complex social and health support must be assessed. For this to happen, the assessment should be joined between social care and health support for providing positive care planning. Such an assessment should be person centered and based on outcomes and results. The processes adopted should be simple. All the staff involved in an individual care plan should coordinate with each other and all the information is brought together.

Risk management is necessary as it can have an impact on the better management in achieving the goals and conditions. Positive Risk Management should consider the duties enforced on the staff of the health and social care organizations. Such risk management can be achieved by: working in co-operation with the persons who use those carriers and services, proper usage of assessment tools and procedures by the staff, providing proper supervision and support to staff for providing safety, proper information sharing.

Hence, an approach which is structured properly should be used

The careful planning and the safety of individuals can be achieved if : the goals which were documented are developed, reviewed regularly and are updated by the social care organization team in order to make it practical as far as possible for each customer; the care and treatment provided to each person is in agreement to the practice which is best and in which necessary resources are identified and person’s goals are specified appropriately; the risks associated with the care of children’s education in such organizations are considered.

 All this can be done effectively by recording all such care details as a set of documents

In order to maintain the safety in health and social care organizations within individual care planning, many health needs assessment tools (HNA) can be used. Such tools can be used by the health care providers in order to identify and recognize the individual needs so that resources can be targeted more effectively. Also, better personal support can be provided to individuals with long term conditions. Many other tools can also be used that encourage the careers to consider the factors that will eventually affect the quality of their lives. It will not only consider their health issues but will also have an impact on their wellbeing which may include aspects of their lifestyle, how they look after themselves, how symptoms are managed, where they live, friends and family and positive attitude.

For good practice of the individual care planning and risk management, the care plans developed should evolve according to the changes and adapt. The plans should be pre-evaluated in accordance with the user of the service. All the changes should be documented properly and evaluated by the service provider and the user. The problems should be identified and realistic goals should be set which are worked on and achieved. The users and the providers of the services should focus on the needs of the individuals. A sense of responsibility and commitment should be achieved for the gain of personal health and social care. The wishes and needs of the users should be reflected in the care plans and there should be a progression towards recovery of individuals.

In care planning the best practice points are: right from the beginning, the person should be involved; person’s needs and communication style should be understood; if present, the advanced statements should be used. And if not present, their development should be encouraged; the carer should be completely involved; the views of the person should be recorded including the needs which are met and those which are not met; the services and treatments are provided timely; the needs which are not met should be met and proposals should be given in order to meet them; risk evidences and the outcomes should be recorded and monitored so that the treatment and care provided are accordingly adjusted; most updated care should be provided by considering all the risk assessment done; risk management plans and risk assessments are updated periodically and are reviewed regularly; the social and spiritual needs must also be referred and not just the community and treatment needs; issues that arise and their evidences which may be crucial for the individual are taken care of.

Further analysis is being done on how health and safety policies are applied to individuals with some form of disability in our workplace. Studies have shown that over a billion people are suffering from some form of disability. This rate is increasing because of health conditions which are chronic and other causes. Generally, such people don’t have much access to health care services and hence their health needs are not met appropriately.

The services that are provided for the health and care of such people are: promotion of their independence; ensuring that their skills are developed; their responsibilities and rights should be enforced; their views should be expressed clearly; the choices are exercised; ensure that they can make their own decisions; they can learn from their experience; growth in their confidence; opportunities are used to the best; ensure that there is collaboration with others.

The actions which are pursued for the health care of people with disabilities are as follows. The organizations and the workplace culture are developed that ensures that persons with disabilities are encouraged so that they utilize their skills to full potential in order to contribute in the work. They are not disregarded as stereotypes because of their limitation. Education on disability awareness is provided to individuals in human resources divisions,  co-workers and supervisors. Provides best and improved access to affordable and good quality health services so that the resources are used to the best. The delivery of services. This will include the adjustments and modifications done so that health care services can be accessed easily. For this, the clinics are designed in such a way so as to make it easy for people with disabilities to move around. Also, ensure that they could communicate their health information and problems easily by using some type of accessible mediums. For example, Braille is used for people who are blind. Such individuals are also provided with certain information and training which could be helpful for them. They also get full peer support. Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is also promoted so that disabled persons can access the services provided. There are groups made which may require different services which may include care coordination so as to improve the health care access. Research is done periodically and all data is collected and documented in order to identify the needs, care, plans needed for people with disabilities. In such health care surveillance, disabled people are themselves included. Time to time counselling is provided to them so as to boost their confidence and gather information about their need and difficulties.

By conducting such actions, the health and safety policies in our workplace to take care of people with disabilities. Such people experience social care, change in the attitude of the society around them. In such a way, they are encouraged to be independent in day to day activities and can make decisions about receiving the services. The focus has shifted from their disabilities to the enhancement of their abilities.

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