Smart ways for studying before exams
For most of us, studying can be the most painful task to perform; especially when you are not aware of the topic, but you still got to study that topic. According to assignment experts, there are a few things that can make this task easier and would help your mind to grasp onto these problematic topics.
In this blog, we have mentioned a few important things that might help you in the studying process – making your study time a bit smart. All of these points would help you to enhance your learning and retention capabilities.
Get comfortable
You cannot concentrate well on your subjects if you’re not comfortable with your surroundings or the sitting place. So you need to find yourself a quite-lit place, where the mind concentrates better on the difficult subjects. Try to avoid studying on your bed, as this might make you feel drowsy and you’d end up doing nothing.
Stick to your schedule
In order to perform well in your exams, you need to dedicate a good amount of time studying. So create a schedule for yourself that involves a couple of hours dedicated solely to your studies. And make sure that you follow the pattern as strictly mentioned in your schedule – ‘stick to it.’
Take notes
According to some studies, it has been well said that making notes while you study helps with your rate of retention. Make sure that you keep a notebook while studying and jot down all the important points in it. These notes would help you to revise better during exams.
Look for illustrations
Tables, diagrams, pictorial representations and all the other kinds of illustrations allow you to maintain a vivid image in your head about the topic that can be recalled later. Try to find the pictorial representation of the topics that are important or difficult to understand, and this will make the learning process much easier.
Highlight what’s important
Always keep a pen or a highlighter with you while you study, and highlight the important words and phrases in your context. This helps you a lot during the revision process in recalling the content much faster.
Focus on one thing at a time
It is always advised to finish one task efficiently than doing several of them together in a disorganized manner, as multitasking would do no good to you. Avoid all the distractions and put your complete focus on the subject you are studying.
Set realistic goals
It is essential for you to set goals about how many topics you are hoping to cover in one sitting. Your goals need to be realistic so that you’re not stressed with several topics in one night. Select those topics that require your utmost attention and perfect them before exams. Make sure that you set your goals as per your learning abilities and not according to the time. Concentrate on one subject at a time, and then move towards the next.
Try to make connections with your topic
It is always advised to visualize your topic, understand the hidden meaning of it and relate it to your real life. This allows you to understand things easily. Try to make a link with the topic that stays for long in your mind.
Take breaks when necessary
It is important that the student not tire themselves while studying as the more stressed they get, the less knowledge they retain. They should always take breaks in between while studying whenever they feel tired, or this will lead to a loss of great amount of energy.
Test your skills
In order to test your learning abilities, it is very important for you to undertake mock tests. Try completing that test in a particular amount of time, so that you do not feel much stressed during your exams. This practice would definitely help you in identifying your shortcomings and the areas which require your focus so that you can improve them before your exams.
Study in groups
Studying in a group is a smart approach, as this will help you increase your comprehensive abilities. There’s even a sense of competitiveness developed when you study with others, which enhances your focus and learning capabilities. Studying in a group would help you clear your doubts easily, and you’ll get to know your friend’s perspective on some topic as well. This would help you to increase the quality of your content to score maximum grades.
Sleep well
Your mind cannot just comprehend everything in a single go, so it is important for you to take adequate rest between your study time. Sleep for at least 6 hours while studying; this gives your brain an ample amount of time to absorb things. This later improves the understanding of your topic and allows for better recollection.
Mugging up the things would do no good
Give proper time to each topic as per its difficulty level, instead of mugging up the whole syllabus at once. Cramming those lengthy answers only leads to the reduction of your understanding and makes it very hard to recollect things later. You need to remember that the examiners look for relevancy in your answers and how well you have displayed it in your answer sheet. Therefore, give a sufficient amount of time to your subjects, and you would surely learn things better.
Always revise
When in doubt, just revise! Your teachers always tell you to revise the syllabus before giving the exams. Revision simply involves the process of going through the topics you’ve learnt and remembered all the key points about every question and topic, so to answer them easily in your exams. Even if you fail to recognize the content of a certain topic during the exam, you can always write those key points learned during the revision.