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In this article, I am going to discuss some innovative apps that can help both teachers and students in a student’s education. There are many apps that are categorized under learning management systems and much more.

We are going to discuss some of the great and innovative apps in detail. Without wasting any of your time, let’s discuss the apps:

1. Edmodo

Edmodo is an online social media platform for teachers, students, and their parents. It helps a teacher in checking homework of a student on their mobile phones only. They do not need to go through the procedure of getting homework done by their students on a notebook and then carry notebooks to their home and check student’s homework. It is a convenient app for both teachers and students. This app can also help teachers in updating the parents about the progress of their children and also in telling what their children are doing in the school.

2. Kahoot

It is a specially designed app which is used to design in-class quizzes and questionnaires. It is a user-friendly tool which can be used easily by a teacher. It is used for designing quizzes, questionnaire or survey to check or test the knowledge of a student. The students can attend to these tests from anywhere using any device. It is also very convenient for the teachers and the students as it is easy to use, can support various smart devices and also provides a different and interactive learning environment to the students. Users can also share their thoughts and ideas on it.

3. Clever

Clever provides an application interface in which a student can log in into his account using user id and password. And the student does not need to have different credentials for accessing the full features of their account. They can have access to all of the tools of the app by a single set of credentials. This app is loved by the students and the teachers as it does not require different credentials to access different tools of the app and the students and teacher cannot access it unless their school has been registered with clever.

There are many other apps which help the students and the teacher in developing a new learning environment. These innovative apps not only help the students but the teachers too. Developed countries like USA, Australia, India, UK, and Canada have adopted this system of education management. It helps in the creation of new, unique and innovative ideas with the help of the new education management system. Today’s world is adapting to new technologies, so why can’t an education management system adopt it. It would save a lot of time and efforts for any school, teachers or the students. Gradually, these systems are expanding globally to reach the students and the teachers of other developing countries.
This article is written by our assignment expert at Make My Assignments. For any Assignment Help contact us.


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