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Some lessons from the Thomas Edison’s life for students

You all must be aware of this famous personality who is America’s leading businessman and a great innovator, Thomas Edison. During our school days, we used to have a complete lesson about successful scientists and inventors in our books. He was the one who invented the phonograph, camera, electric bulb, and many other things. In addition, he also created the world’s first industrial research laboratory. He was also considered to be a helping hand for building America’s economy during the industrial revolution age. All of his inventions have not only paved the way for development for this society but also are a great contributor towards changing the lives of people.

For a student to succeed in his life, he should adhere to the principles of such famous personalities who gave a great contribution to the development of society. In reality, if students really try to follow some of the lessons from Thomas Edison’s life, they may have a very bright future ahead. There are things to learn from their discoveries as well as their lives that need to be undertaken by students today to move towards the success ladder.

So, here comes the Seven lessons from Thomas Edison’s life for students.

Try-Try till you succeed

According to Thomas Edison, you should never give up things in life. As this is one of the greatest weakness for an individual. So, never give up!

Sometimes we might have seen students trying to complete their assignments and tasks over a long period of time. They try to put endless efforts behind this task, but when things don’t work out for them, they simply give up. For them, it is the most easiest task in the world if they are not able to do things in the manner they want. Edison insists on trying one more time to succeed in life.

The key to success in life is to make sure that you never give up and just keep on trying every time to be successful. So guys if you are reading this article, its humble request from our side to enchant this moto “Try-Try till you succeed” as this is the best solution that any person can get. It’s an answer for your every question, for your every quest and hurdle that life offers to you. Giving up is as simple as one would want to do but to keep trying in life is the real motivation to success and the only opportunity for you to achieve greater things in life.

One of the most outstanding qualities of a winner is the power to hold on (patience) despite the most adverse circumstances that life offer to them. For sure, the things might get out of your hand, and you might also fail a lot. Mark this before that not every endeavor in life is going to be successful the first time. Some might even take forever to succeed. But the secret behind this is never to give up. A winner is not the one who never fails in life, but rather the one who rises up every time he fails and tries again and yet still again.

Use your strengths and capabilities to do amazing things

Thomas Edison said, ‘if a person does what he is capable of, no one can stop him.’ At times he can even astound himself. Every person has some sort of talent or hidden abilities that he is capable of doing. And later, if he pursues the same thing in life, which is the greatest strength for him, then he can do unstoppable things. Every person on this planet is capable of doing something amazing in life; it’s just the right way and the right ability which he needs to consider.

So, students should identify those hidden talents and strengths of themselves and use it in the best possible way to astound the whole world. You can spend a lot of time learning things around you, but you’ll need promoting by others to put those skills to use. Skills and capabilities don’t make a thing if you can’t make connections with others. Try talking to people and build connections with them, as these individuals are the one who would later appreciate your talent and skills that would be a driving force for your motivation.

Do what you love

Edison always used to say that Do what you Love!

For students, they must always choose their streams and subjects of interest and the ones they love the most. Always choose the subjects that you like the most and make career in the same stream. Choose wisely, as later you might regret the decisions made earlier in your life. It makes your study time more interesting, and the works get easy for you. You basically get relieved from your boredom. This further helps the student to succeed in their career and future.

Say no to failure

Failure is no such thing in life if you make your mind to succeed. According to Edison, failure is nothing. He tried around 10,000 times to invent the electric bulb but didn’t succeed. He learned from his mistakes and every attempt he made to make it work. And one day, he finally succeeded in his attempt.

Learning the same from Edison, students should also learn from their mistakes and never treat their attempts as failures.

Be Creative

Think out of the box!

A person should be as creative and imaginative in his work if it needs to be done correctly. And this is what that made Edison successful in his work.

Students should also be creative and imaginative in their work as teachers love to see new and amazing ideas being introduced in their assignments and homework. And this might bring them one step ahead in the race of being successful.

Lots of hard work and patience

To make your ideas work perfectly in life, you need to put a lot of hard work behind it. And with that comes the rule of patience as well. If you are putting a lot of efforts behind your work, then you also need to have the patience for it to work. Things will not come simply in your hand; it will surely take time. So you need to be hardworking as well as patient in your life to be successful. As success doesn’t come in just one day, it will take time.

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