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How to write an effective Dissertation Paper?

For writing an effective dissertation, we require proper notes, organization, time and constant reading. Compiling a dissertation means you need to have patience and organized approach, only then you’d be able to write a good thesis. In this blog, we…

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How do I start writing my Dissertation Paper?

Students are often told to write a dissertation paper for their academics, especially when they are pursuing their undergraduate or graduate degrees. Typically, a dissertation paper is around 100-200 pages long and is considered to be the most important piece…

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The benefits of journaling

Keeping a journal is one of those things of the past that our generation sort of missed. Instead we believe in notes and sharing our feelings on more public platforms. Journaling, though, is a tradition that can be traced back…

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How to start your business?

If you have always dreamt of being your own boss, see yourself as leading, like doing things your way and are always brimming with ideas then chances are you want to be an entrepreneur. And if you do, then most…

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Reasons to travel in college

Your college years are the best time to travel! Even if you think it's going to leave a big hole in your pocket when you're trying desperately to make ends meet, you will remember your nomadic adventures for a long,…

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College dropouts who made it big!

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." -Mark Zuckerberg It's ironic, isn't it? We dedicate our life to education,…

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