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The 3 key leadership and management principles you need to know

A good manager is a combination of leadership and management skills and a good manager is absolutely vital for the growth of a company and the individuals who represent the company. Forming a perfect relationship between the two is not as easy as it seems, while they go hand in hand, a balanced relationship is a must. The two can often be confused, so for starters let’s differentiate the two:

Leadership can be defined as the ability to influence people to follow you, willingly and enthusiastically. It is all about steering people on to a new path, and getting people to follow you in this new direction. A leader isn’t just supposed to get people do what you want them to do, he is also supposed to inspire, to raise the employees’ spirits into action, to bring forth and encourage new ideas.

The 3 key principles of leadership and management you need to know

The 3 key principles of leadership and management you need to know

Management on the other hand is all about planning and the organizing the employees according to those plans. The aim of management is always a set goal that the team has to achieve at the end of a defined period. It is the manager’s responsibility to lead his team to said target. The manager as a leader is supposed to:

  • Motivate
  • Guide
  • Encourage

In this sense, leadership is a part of the management and a combination of the two is required for the perfect growth of an organization.

MakeMyAssignment today has for you the three key principles of management and leadership:

Uniformity at all levels

It is important that the management/ leadership is as affective and efficient at the base level as it is at the the executive level. This kind of uniformity ensures uniformity in terms of output from the employees and hence ensures a uniform product. Even though different levels require a different set of strengths and skills, it is still imperative to maintain top notch supervising skills at all levels.

A balance of directive and supportive management/leadership

Detective management is a formal form of authority, where orders are given out with a set of guidelines and a given timeline while support management is more friendly and the leaders is concerned about the grievances and well being of the team. Most leaders tend to incline towards one or the other which hardly makes for a conducive work environment. An ideal work set up has to be a combination of the two kinds of authority, as this allows for more flexibility and effective team management.


The core lesson to keep in mind here is to focus on the present task rather than focusing on future tasks. It is important to maintain stability in an organization and a quick and easy way to do that is to adapt tried and tested methods according to the situation, i.e improvising a success formula according to need. This guarantees stability in the long run and ensures growth.

So make these points your mantras and not only will you have a shimmering, satisfying career but also one that promises personal growth as well as growth of the enterprise.

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