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The most precious gift of God- Parents..

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 This article is written by an essay expert for Make my Assignment. The views expressed are personal views of the writer.

Remember, when we were kids we were fascinated with the fact that superheroes are for real. As kids, we wanted to be like our favorite superheroes. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. were our role models, and we wished to have superpowers the possessed. With time, we realized that they were a work of fiction and there are no superheroes in real life. Do you wish to go back to those days and live a life full of energy and enthusiasm? I miss those days of my life, and sometimes I even wish to go back and make the best of those golden days.

While reading an online article, I came across this thought and realized that most of us live in future. I remember when I was young; I wanted to grow up so that I can become independent and my caretaker.  But, now I have realized that school and college days were the best days of my life. I had limited means, but at the same time, I contended. Through this post, I appeal to all my young readers to enjoy wherever they are at this point in life and understand the valuable contribution of your actual critics.

The innocence that kids have is tremendous, and we also used to believe that Batman is the savior of Gotham City. Let me draw a comparison from our childhood memories, and I feel that ways you will understand the point I am trying to make. Batman was the unsung hero of the Gotham city and is always ridiculed for keeping his identity under wraps. Mr. Bruce Wayne, on the other hand, was a renowned businessman and the philanthropist. But his contribution to the welfare of the Gotham City was never acknowledged by everyone. Only a few people appreciated his efforts to protect the Gotham City from the evils. Our lives are also like that we never appreciate those who work so hard on us to make us a better version of ourselves and often accuse them of being brutal and cruel. By now, I assume that you have got my point. I am talking about the most beautiful blessings of our lives that are our parents. Until the time we are young and learning primary education, all of us stay connected to our parents, but as soon as we enter college or get into our career. Most of the people forget the valuable contribution of the unsung heroes of our lives and start giving importance to those, whose contribution we can see.

The life cycle of a typical person is somewhat similar, and when this realization occurs, it is often too late. We lose the most important people in our lives by ignoring them when they are there for us and later regret not showing up on time for them. You know why kids enjoy their lives; it is because their lives are restricted to their only small world. They find solace in their parents and look up to them for everything. With age, this concept changes and when you enter college, you feel that your parents have not experienced what you are facing, and so you do not consider them for taking advice and often end up falling into the traps set by the evils forces. As you age, you realize that ‘Those were the best days,’ and you often wish to go back in time, so that you can do things differently. But, unfortunately, this cannot happen, for time once gone can never come back.

I request all my young student readers not to waste time accumulating material things and then repent when it too late. Work hard and get a good life, but amidst all this do not ever forget the valuable effort of your parents who have also sacrificed a lot for your accomplishment.

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