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Things That You Need To Keep In Mind While Writing A Dissertation

Things that you need to keep in mind while writing a Dissertation

Have you started working on your dissertation or research paper yet? Do you need to start working on your dissertation soon and you cannot figure out what you will be writing about? Does the idea of getting stuck in the middle of an unfamiliar topic scare you? Well, if you’re facing all these problems, do not worry, this is something that every student goes through as choosing a good and impactful topic can be one of the most difficult tasks and a large amount of students find themselves unclear as to what topic to chose for their dissertation. Firstly it is really important to keep in mind that this is going to be your primary step towards dissertation so it is really important that it must be done with utmost discretion. This blog will act as an guide you through the elements that you need to factor in while choosing an apt topic for your dissertation.

Having your future goals in focus

One of the primary things that you should keep in your mind is your career path and future goals which you would like to or are going to pursue in the future after graduating. As the topic you are going to choose is something you’re going to spend an extensive amount of time to research on, you must give your maximum efforts in choosing a dissertation topic that can help you to land in your desired job or should give you a prospect for a good promotion. This becomes beneficial for both you and the your area of work as you’ll be having an extensive knowledge about the topic which others would probably not possess and secondly it would be beneficial for your workplace as the work would be handled by a person who is possess the proper knowledge about the work

Area of Your Interest                                          

Another primary factor of writing a dissertation project is that it would require you to get intensely involved in it for a long period of time which can be months or sometimes an entire year as well, and if you start working on a topic that you don’t find interesting it would become very difficult to maintain a consistency in carrying out your dissertation through this long time, as with time you’ll start losing interest and won’t be able to work as passionately and you won’t be able to enjoy working. This will or might cause procrastination which will cause you to delay the completion of your dissertation and in the end you might face what a lot of students go through who don’t chose a topic of their interest and try to finish the dissertation with a very little or no time left in your hands. On the other hand if you choose a topic of your interest then you will primarily enjoy working on it and maintain a consistency as well. And as you’ll enjoy working on the area of your interest, you will enjoy and this would make you work more harder on the area of your interest and this in return would enhance the quality of your output to a great extent.

Knowledge on a Topic

If you’ve decided to choose a topic that you are interested in but have no or very little knowledge of then that is indeed a very courageous move and that will surely enhance your spectrum of knowledge, but on the downside, you’ll need to be prepared to invest double the amount of time and put a lot of effort into it. This in some cases might take much more time than your anticipation as you’ll  be needed to put in a lot of time and energy in the research as the lack of knowledge on a subject matter would require you to research a lot and build right from the foundations of the topic which can turn into a hassle in some cases. Therefore if you want that you develop a good dissertation in less time than it is advised to choose a topic which you’re well versed with or are you’re at least aware about the basics of that topic. This would make the time taken to finish the dissertation very less.

 Area of Expertise

 If you’re majoring in an art subject and you decide to make your dissertation on a topic that is related to science this would not make sense and will end up creating more complexity for you, but you can do this in some case if you’re able to create a co-relation between the two subjects (discussed in more detail in the next point). It is also essential to keep in mind that the dissertation is about a topic that is your area of interest which at the same time doesn’t mean that if something isn’t related to your field or discipline or your specialty, instead t does the job of reflecting your basic learning and education.

Making your dissertation Stand-Out

Although it is important to stick to your area of expertise but at the same time if you want to create an impact, you’ll have to make your assignment unique and there are many ways of doing it but one of the most impactful ways of doing it is with creating a co-relation amongst subjects. It will not only show your knowledge in your field of expertise but also show the different application on as to how it can be used, creating new ways to portray a particular subject matter, and at the same time it would show your knowledge about other fields as well,  which is a great plus. But there are downsides to this as well as sometimes creating co-relation might cause creating too much emphasis on the secondary subject matter and not the area of the topic which you’ve chosen. So you’ll need to be aware to maintain that line while preparing your dissertation

Making the Topic Informative

Instead of focusing on finding out something of shallow interest, you should try to work on something that can create an impact in the world with your words and the idea that has been put forth  in creation of them, the quality of your ideas will portray your capabilities and limitations, and therefore your ideas should be groundbreaking. And for this you will have to make your dissertation informative and explain the factors and elements that you were trying to portray. It is important to keep in mind that a well researched and well written dissertation gives readers a good outlook will always out-power a sloppy and fragmented  dissertation that gives out an ambiguous views or no absolute solution.


This article was written by an assignment expert from MakeMyAssignments. For more such blogs and discussions on these kinds of burning issues, visit our blog section in our website and write to us because we will love to hear your views and opinions. We also provide cheap and quality assignment writing services for students all all around theworld to ensure that they perform well in their exams and seek excellent jobs for themselves in the future. Our assignment services are dependable and cheap, and will support you for a long time to ensure your bright future.

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