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Things to keep in mind while talking to your teachers

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The student-teacher relationship has evolved with time. Earlier, teachers were given the place of God, and a poet of Indian origin, Kabir Das has placed the teacher higher than the God as the former has shown the ways to students toward the God. Good teachers are the ones who made the lives of their students and transform them into better citizens. The contribution of teachers in the development of their students cannot be neglected at any cost as they not only teach formal education but set examples for their students to follow.

Nowadays, the relationship between students and teachers has become more friendly as students feel comforted in the company of their teachers and do not shy away sharing their thoughts with their teachers. Confiding in teachers has become a normal custom these days, where teachers not only provide ears to their students’ problems and even counsel them to avoid any likely damage to the students’ thought processes.

It is good that the students find it easy to speak out their dilemmas in front of their teachers without hesitation, but there is a thin line between being expressive and revolting. Students should freely express their fears and thoughts, but they should still maintain decorum, after all, they are talking to their teachers and respect has to be given to them. In today’s post, I am going to share some Dos and Don’ts that should follow while indulging in a dialogue with their teachers. Not only for sharing personal issues but talking to the teachers is essential to the development of every student, as when you speak to your teacher you are more likely to provide the much-needed feedback to your teachers. Once your teachers get to know their students, they can easily establish a connection and teach effectively.

Do’s and Don’ts

  • Always greet your teachers before initiating a talk. Starting a conversation on a positive is what you should strive for, as negative talk, in the beginning, may make you appear a dull
  • Check with your professors beforehand, and talk only when they have time to understand your issue. Enquire with them, whether they are free or not and speak only when they can offer you their exclusive
  • If you do not understand their teaching method, be honest about it, but avoid sounding rude as this may knock down their morale. Request your teachers to explain the things once again, so you may understand it better.
  • Do not think that you are troubling them. In fact sharing your opinion with teachers is a good idea, as it will help both the students and teachers to remain on the same page. They are your teachers, and their duty is to impart knowledge to their pupils.
  • Do not try to be over smart with your teachers and try to insult them by pointing out their mistakes, if they commit any. To err is human and you must understand the same and give the benefit of the doubt to
  • Do not go over-prepared. Google and Wikipedia may provide you the knowledge that you can show off in front of your peers, but gaining knowledge to belittle others is not a good idea at all, as it will make you less humane. This rule applies while talking to your teachers as well, it is good if you know something extra, but bragging about the same to impress your teachers will never take you to the good books of your teachers. At the same time, do not stay unprepared before initiating a talk with your teacher. If you want to discuss a topic with your teacher, learn what all you can understand and take help of your teachers.
  • Do not go to speak to your teacher when you are unwell. This may fetch some sympathy, but will never make you look more sincere in front of your teachers.
  • Ask as many questions as you want. Do not shy away from asking questions, no matter how silly they may appear. Your teachers are always ready to help you, and according to several types of research conducted over time, it has been found that teachers find it interesting when their students ask questions.
  • Be respectful toward your teacher. In case you fall prey to any incident that has happened in the class and got punished for someone else’s fault tell it to your teacher, but do not put your case in an aggressive manner.
  • In case your teacher is younger, and you feel infatuated toward them, do not try to impress them or flirt with them. The student-teacher relationship is a true relationship where mutual respect and empathy should endure. Do not flirt with your teacher and put them in an uncomfortable situation.

This article has been written by an essay expert of Make My Assignment. For expert assistance to complete your assignments, please contact makemyassignments.com.


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