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Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay

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We all have written and have to write a lot of argumentative essays in schools and colleges. For some students, the word argument may have negative connotations, and they presume they have to write a negative article. Those who are not literary buffs fail to understand the real meaning of an argumentative essay and end up jeopardizing their paper altogether. Make My Assignments is an online service provider, where a team of expert professionals offers their assistance to students to write their assignments. For any project, essay, dissertation, thesis, etc. you can contact us at www.makemyassignments.com.

Before sharing the tips to write an argumentative essay, I believe it is my responsibility first to introduce all my readers to this genre of writing. An argumentative essay doesn’t necessarily mean a negative paper but requires the writer to scrutinize the subject matter prior writing about it. Writing an argumentative essay demands you to gather all the relevant evidence to prove the point that you are trying to persuade to your readers. An argumentative essay is traditionally based on facts and figures, and no manipulations with the factual data can be accepted. I have seen a lot of people who gets confused between an argumentative essay and an expository essay. The former allows the writer to appear on any side of an argument, and he is free to express his opinion, while an expository essay requires the writer to maintain a neutral stance and present the pros and cons of a subject matter.

Now, I assume you must have understood what an argumentative essay means and it is entirely different from and expository essay. Let’s now focus on some quick fix tips that should be kept in mind while writing an effective argumentative essay to sway your readers. I hope when you write an argumentative essay next time, you may succeed to impress your teacher. Below are the tips for crafting a well-thought of an argumentative essay.

  • Find a good topic- This is the most fundamental step, and should be kept in mind. In case, you have been provided a topic; it’s good otherwise, look for a great topic based on which you can erect your argumentative essay paper.
  • Plan it well- Prior starting the essay, make sure that you have planned it well as it is one of the major prerequisites for writing a good argumentative essay. Do not allow any distraction and write down all the major points that you may want to discuss in your essay.
  • Consider both pros and cons- As I mentioned above that you need to be on either side of the argument, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore the other part of the argument. Instead, keep in mind both the aspects and choose the one you feel more comfortable with and then build your opinion around it.
  • Substantiate your argument- Mere opinion will not help you prove your point firmly, but you have to gather proper evidence to justify your argument. Talk about absolute numbers or data to prove your point as it will provide substantial ground to prove your point, and since you have offered absolute numbers, so the reliability of your writing shall be appreciated.
  • Choose correct language- No matter how strongly you agree or disagree with something, you should always refrain from using emotional language that may make you appear unreasonable and eventually make your writing absurd. Choose your words wisely and present your thoughts powerfully.
  • Mention your sources- Do not forget to cite the sources that you have considered while writing your essay as it makes your writing more compelling. Share the authentic details and refer to all the sources whenever you can.
  • Trust reliable sources- Use the sources that are reliable and whose information can be banked upon. Do not use any source whose trustworthiness can be questioned. Maintain the authenticity and reliability of your paper.
  • Prepare for the debate- Writing a good argumentative essay and presenting your views strongly doesn’t mean your task is completed, but an argumentative essay demands for more, such as preparing for a debate session where those who have different opinions can sit and argue over something and provide appropriate data to validate their points.

Writing a good argumentative essay is no rocket science, with some authentic research and careful analysis and hard work, each one of you can fashion yourself to become a talented argumentative essay writer. Next time, when you try writing an argumentative essay follow the above points, and rest assured your essay will be outstanding.


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