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To improve student behavior classroom management is important

Classroom is a place where students come to learn something new and gain some knowledge in life. They improvise their skills, talent and learning in the classroom in order to become professionally successful in life. But if seen properly classroom not only deals with some particular topic learning or chapter learning only it also has day to day learning involved in it which teaches us great lessons of our life which we may remember throughout our life time. Classrooms also teaches a student how to be attentive, behave well and concentrate in class, it also teaches them teamwork which helps them later in life. So in order to have such high class teaching taking place there is also need of good class management and decorum for that.

Discipline often comes to mind at the mention consequences. Effective classroom management paves the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning of classroom management, but the crucial component of teaching is much more. Classroom management creates a set of expectations used in an organized classroom environment. It includes routines, rules and consequences.

The most important component of classroom management is relationships. The relationships with my students start at the door when I shake their hand and greet them with a smile (regardless of what misbehavior might have happened the day before). Those relationships are strengthened, for example, when I use a student’s name and actively praise him or her. Those relationships are solidified when I spend individual time with each student to get to know them and then use that knowledge to create personal learning opportunities.
A teacher needs to keep a classroom interesting for students but it is not that easy task to do because he has to deal with every kind of student some being noisy, some sleepy heads and some bright. Students may not be concentrating on what u are teaching by being lazy or making noise in the class and disturbing the teacher ultimately which can frustrate you as a teacher and you might like it to take it out on students but maybe this not right idea to do so you need to relax and think of counter measure so that students come under your control and listen to you without disturbing the class. You need to make the class a interactive session with equal student participation in class, and also you can teach them by video lectures sometimes if you like. To have proper attention of each and every student you need to make it interesting and even funny sometimes. You can implement some ground rules for classroom management which students need to follow no matter what is the situation. Give some responsible work to the students so that they also feel good and responsible by doing that work and always charging them for more work by appraising them and giving them boost. And if sometimes needed for a particular student you need to be strict also so that they do not misbehave again and do not break rules again

This article is written by our assignment expert at Make My Assignments. For any Assignment Help contact us.


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