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Transformational Leadership- An Effective leadership Style

Transformation literally means makeover while charismatic means alluring or appealing. These two qualities are required at the moment and would be best suited to the situation given. The team already has seen a leader who couldn’t do much and hence, a makeover is required, which can change or transform the inabilities of the team. The team has had a style of working in the past which could not yield desired results therefore, a need for change is felt and a new leader is expected to bring in that change to generate better results. Every person has his aura or charisma, some people have a more appealing personality than others, confidence is one quality which makes a person more charismatic and appealing than ever, hence a good leader must possess these qualities in order to be effective and efficient.

Everything has its pros and cons and so does the quality of transformation and charisma. Though it may sound positive at first but these qualities also have some limitations which stops it from giving the desired results. Transforming work culture suddenly might create problems for team members and the art of appealing may sometimes be seen as if the leader is trying to impose his ideas on others (though it depends on the way a leader put forward his views) and once a leader has been misunderstood as a boss who is adamant and opinionated, it becomes very difficult to change this perception, as some people judge others too early. That’s the only weakness or negative fact attached to this leadership style. On the other hand, this style has its own strengths and if one does good research before adopting this style all the weaknesses can be surmounted. The most important aspect of this style is that it brings with it a positive change, which can be accepted by everyone without much resistance and if the leader exhibits a positive attitude he can earn the respect of his team members in no time.

All that is required while adopting this style of leadership is a positive person who has done extensive research before implementing any change in the working environment and also, has valid reasons for those changes so that he can provide to his team members for their assent.

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