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Types Of Research Methods

Types of Research Methods

For writing a good research paper, you need the right research methodology. The research methods can help you collect the required information and facts for your research papers. It also helps you analyze your data. Research methods can be defined as specific strategies that are used for collecting and interpreting data. The development of a research methodology is an important aspect of research. There are two major decisions that you need to make while planning your research, these are-

  • Data collection
  • Analysis of data

Types of research methods

In this blog, we will briefly discuss about the types of research methods. But, first, we will take a look at the methods of data collection.

Primary and secondary data

The original information that is acquired for the purpose of addressing a research question is referred to as primary data. This method can be used for measurement and sampling methods. At the same time, information that has already been used by other people or researchers is referred to as secondary data. For this, you have quicker and easier access.

Qualitative and quantitative data

Qualitative data is used to answer questions about meanings, experiences, and ideas or examine anything that cannot be stated statistically. Quantitative data, on the other hand, is used to build a better mechanism for a topic or subject or if your research involves hypothesis testing.

Descriptive and experimental data

In descriptive research, you acquire data about your subject without any intervention. Your sample procedure can be used to determine the validity of your study. In experimental research, the researcher methodically intervenes in the process and measure the outcome. Here, the experimental design will help determine the validity of your findings.

For further research study, we need to analyze the data. In this regard, there are two major types of analysis methods.

Qualitative analysis method

With the help of this method, we comprehend words, experiences, and thoughts. This can also be used to interpret data acquired in the following ways-

  • Non-probability sampling methods
  • Interview questions and open-ended surveys, case studies, and literature reviews

Quantitative analysis method

This method completely relies on numbers and statistics to help comprehend correlations, averages, and frequency. You can also use the quantitative analysis method to analyze data acquired in two ways-

  • Based on probability, using sampling procedures
  • During a research project

Further, we have elaborated on a few research approaches that can be of great help to you.


Under experimental research, the participants might be requested to perform a variety of tests that can help assess their cognitive abilities. This also includes focus, reasoning ability, attention, word recall, and so on. These are normally addressed verbally, on a computer, or paper. This further helps compare the outcomes of several groups. Any intervention, such as a social engagement or training program, can be included in this study.


With the help of surveys, we collect data from a large number of people. Though there are many kinds of surveys, the most basic one is where a group of people are taken for a specific period of time. This is also called the ‘One-short survey.’ Another one is the ‘Before and After survey,’ which includes people before and after a major event.


This is termed to be the most effective approach to help collect data from a large number of people. Here, participants can share their opinions and thoughts without any fear of a negative reaction from the researcher. It includes multiple-choice questions, closed questions, open-ended questions, and attitude scales.

Case studies

When you need to focus on a single case, you take the help of case studies. Here, data is gathered and analyzed using a variety of methods, where the most common ones are interviews and observations. It involves talking to other people and looking through public and personal records.

Participant and non-participant observation

These are the two basic types of studies that include people being observed, either with the researcher being part of the observation or not.

By now, you must have understood the types of data collection, analysis methods, and research varieties. Apart from this, if you ever need help regarding your academic papers or assignments, feel free to contact our online assignment writing services for professional help and guidance.

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