What to avoid when you face an MBA interview?
Even though MBA has been in the curriculum since years in thousands of universities all across the globe, it has gained much popularity among youngsters in the past two decades or so. With a rapid growth in the industrial sector, the demand for professionals who possess excellent management skills has also increased. This explains why MBA is the most popular course at the present moment.
There are high chances that you as a student are also looking forward to make a career for yourself in this field. However, getting admission for this course in a good and reputed college is not an easy task, given the degree of competition in this field. A lot of students wish to pursue this course, and they apply for the same with great hopes and aspirations. A lot of them pass the entrance test easily, but they find it difficult to crack the interview.
Keeping this in mind, we compiled a list of points that you must follow when you appear for the interview. Even though the list is in no way exhaustive, these points will surely increase your chances of impressing the interviewers and clearing the interview.
Maintain eye contact
When you are outside the interview room, pause and take a deep breath, calm yourself down and then enter the room with a smile on your face. Confidently have a seat, and when you have to answer something, make sure that you are maintaining eye contact with the recruiters. If you do not do so, the other person will feel that you lack self-confidence or are being dishonest, and this creates a bad impression.
Do not digress too much
It is easy to get swayed away when you are speaking about something very passionately, but too much digression can make you forget the main point, and thus you become unable to clearly present your thoughts in front of the interviewer. Try and stick to the main topic, and express your thoughts clearly.
Give precise answers
A lot of students are under the false impression that interviewers are conducted solely to check the communication skills of students, and that they need to give long and elaborate answers. Even though interviewers would evaluate your presentation skills, you cannot keep on going on and on about the same thing. Make sure that your answers are elaborate, but not too stretched.
Do not try to fake it
Do not try to act over-smart or pretentious in the interviewers. The people on the other side of the table are all very experienced, and they can easily sense when you are faking it. Do not talk about things that you are completely unaware of, and if you don’t know an answer, simply say so!
Dress appropriately
If you walk in the room wearing shabby and messy clothes, you would create a terrible first impression. Make sure that you are dressed according to the occasion, that your nails are trimmed, and that your hair and clothes are neat and tidy.