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Why proofreading your assignment is necessary?

User Engagement: This post has been intentionally written with mistakes. Read till the end.

You have written an assignment as required by your assigned work. Now your work for the day would have been completed, so you just need to turn on it and submit your assignment, right? No, STAY AND WAIT!  Step aside from your laptop, close your eyes and take a deep breath in, believe and don’t submit your assignment up to the present time.

You are being advised that you should always proofread and go through your assignment before ending or submitting your assignment. Many people believe that the proofreading is just a ten minute exercise or job. Furthermore, many people believe it’s just an exercise to check spelling mistakes or errors in grammars and many more don’t consider  to check their work or assignment at all. Proofreading enables you to polish your assignment with fine words and grammar. Proofreading always provide you a better edge over other people and in the end it gives you a better presentable assignment.

Some of the key  facets to check errors are as follows:

  • Whether you have or you haven’t answered the asked question?
  • Whether your assignment is written accordingly and in the prescribed manner or not?


Well directed  approach in order to perform proofreads:

Get ready to proof reading – The time you feel you are finished with your assignment, take out a printout of your assignment work done. After an hour, get ready with pencil or any marker (highlighter) and with the printout to start proofreading. Many mistakes can’t be seen or realized if you read the assignment on PC/laptop so, always preferable to proofread on the printout.

Choose an objective approach – Whenever you are finished with your writing assignment, leave it for one hour before you start up with the proofreading.  This will provide you enough time to think and think upon more analyticalview in analyzing or reviewing your performed work. In order to derive more focus towards your work, you can read your assignment out loud. This will help you in identifying those sentences which are in overrun (i.e. Long sentence to read), enabling youto  pinpoint the respected areas where commas are required. You can take the help of the other people also, in order to know as to whether your assignment is answered to the respected question or not and if it is making any sense or not.

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Read one paragraph at a time and give two minute pause while switching onto another paragraph – Get a habit of proofread one sentence at a time. Check carefully that each of your sentences is making sense and is describing a complete idea. Use computer software in order to check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Special check on the words as sometimes the pronunciation of the words comes out to be same, but the word might be with different spelling and different meaning. It would be better to have two smaller sentences, rather too long sentences which give trouble to the reader while reading and listener while adhering long sentences.

Have you answered for what is being questioned – Make sure that you have answered for what is being asked from you in the provided work. Each of the paragraph which is annexed in an assignment  isprovided in order to provide answers to the respected question.Furthermore, all the points are in the context of answering the question. There is no deviation in assignment to prevent listeners from ambiguity in understanding the assignment.

Have you adhered the rules of academic writing – Make sure that you have adhered all the rules of the academic writing. By considering each of the following points as mentioned below:

  • For more influence, have you used complex language rather than colloquial phrases and words.
  • Always try to avoid oratorical questions.
  • Provide an accurate idea to the reader of how much you meant in quantity or in numbers and so on, instead of considering wordings such as ‘ a lot ’ in the sentences. This enables readers to have a better understanding over the data provided and better retaining of the facts disclosed in the provided data.
  • Typos – Are there any missing words in the sentences?  Are any words which are being misspelled? Are there any extra space,  where any extra space is to be removed from the sentences? Your assignment should be free from all such local issues in the writing process. This will be like polishing up your writing skills, and helps in matching quality of your prose with the quality of your ideas.

Double check the reference list and the citations – Check your reference as prescribed by the University standards. Follow all the guidelines and rules while providing the references in context to your assignment. Double ensure that you have provided the citation in the appropriate place required within the assignment. Furthermore, the link is provided in full reference in the reference list at the end  of your assignment.

Always read at a slower pace and consciously while proofreading. Don’t bustle! If you try to go fast you would most probably increase the chance of missing errors in your assignment. Keep a track record of errors you generally make (From multiple assignment). Furthermore, analyze them daily and try to overcome your errors and mistakes in your next assignment. Hope this article would help you in understanding the necessity of proofreading of your assignment. Furthermore, provides you to focus in order to remove your mistakes and write a polished assignment with zero (minimal) errors.

As mentioned in the beginning, this post has been written with several mistakes. Since proofreading is important, you all are invited to identify the mistakes present in this article. Let’s see who all can find more than 50 mistakes. 😀 

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