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Why Students Plagiarize Their Content?

Why Students Plagiarize their Content?

Either intentionally or unintentionally, practicing plagiarism is a great offence for students. Universities and colleges are strictly against this practice, which is why they tell students to submit their original copies of content and assignments. Plagiarism is defined as an act, where you copy someone else’s content for your own purpose or work. Instead of just providing that content with a proper citation or reference, students tend to copy it for their own work, and this gets added into the category of plagiarized work.

While most of you out there plagiarize work intentionally, some of them do it out of lack of knowledge and information, where they’re not aware of what plagiarism is and what is its scope. Technology and the internet have made us all dependent in ways we can’t even imagine. Whether its society, people or their various aspects or field of work, all if it is affected because of technology and innovation. Similarly, education has also become prone to this very factor, which is why students today seek help online for their assignments and academic projects. The process of gathering information online for their assignment has ruined the purpose of education and learning. Putting all this together, students are divulging themselves more towards plagiarism instead of being authentic with their work.

There can be many reasons behind this practice that has been delving students more towards it. However, some of them are intentional, while others are unintentional. Some could be because of lack of knowledge while others could be for reasons like laziness, procrastination or careless attitude. To know more about it, here we have mentioned a few reasons due to which students are getting themselves along with plagiarism. Take a look at this blog further, to capture more information regarding it-

Lack of knowledge regarding plagiarism

Many students commit this practice unintentionally because they are not aware of what plagiarism is. Some of you might just think that all the information available on the internet is part of some public property, and there’s no harm in copying it. But in reality, they need to properly cite those sources if they find some information valuable or purposeful for their content. They fail to understand the concept of plagiarism and citation, which is why they consider it useless and end up copying that content for their projects.

Lack of time and planning

Well, this isn’t something new to us. We all are very well aware of how important it is to plan things in advance by dividing enough time for each of our projects. But due to the procrastinating thoughts in our mind that we’d surely complete it before ‘the day’ comes, we end up compiling our assignments filled with plagiarism and unnecessary content. When ‘the day’ finally arrives, we realize the chaos we made of not planning things on time and resort to unethical means of copying content.

Pressure regarding scoring well in academics

This is considered to be the most common reason as to why students commit plagiarism in their work. There’s a lot more family pressure than academic pressure on students regarding scoring well in semesters, which is why they resort to plagiarism seeking information and ideas online. This seems like an easy option for them; therefore, they keep on searching their content online from various sources.

Lack of interest

Sometimes the lack of interest in a subject or assignment becomes the reason behind plagiarized content. This makes the student lose interest in the subject or task assigned to them, and they fail to put an extra effort for presenting original information in their assignments. Most of them also look out for online academic writing services for professional help and assignment submissions, when they find some subject boring or difficult to comprehend.

Poor writing or lack of language skills

At times, lack of writing skills or difficulty in comprehending the language is the major reason as to why students resort to plagiarism. This problem majorly occurs with international students who travel abroad to pursue their education in a different country. They might lack some grammar or vocabulary skills in the language pursued by them, which might confuse them later in compiling their assignments for academic projects.

All these reasons could be the major factor behind this practice that indulges students in plagiarizing their work for academics.

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