Why teachers are quitting, and youngsters are not keen on joining the profession?
Teaching is considered to be one of the most respectable jobs in the entire society. Teachers have been serving the society for ages; and they are not only someone who imparts knowledge, but they are a lot more than that. They are role models, mentors, confidantes and moral supports. Be it the knowledge that can be found in textbooks or morality and conscience, everything that we know, we owe it to our teachers. Teachers are indeed great human beings who leave no stone unturned when it comes to educating their students. Perhaps, this is why they say that the future of a country lies on its teachers, since the responsibility of the teachers to create responsible and civilized future citizens on the country.
When respectable teachers decide to leave this noble profession, and when the new generation refuses to enter into this field, it is a cause of concern. The society must try and analyze the reasons behind such a change, so that the problem can be addressed.
High work expectations
The first reason that teachers give when asked about why they quit their jobs is that their employers had unrealistic expectations from them. This problem is more serious in the first year, when the teachers are still freshers. To add to their woes are the problems of high class strength, long working hours, and lack of proper infrastructure and facilities in the school premises.
Lack of support
It can be really tough for teachers when they do not get support from their families, colleagues and administration. Moreover, a lot of parents do not respect their children’s teachers, and knowingly or unknowingly, they impart the same habits into their children. Lack of recognition and respect can be really frustrating for the teachers at times.
Constraints while teaching
Every teacher has his or her own style of teaching, which they feel comfortable following. It is only when they follow this particular patter that they can give their best performance. Unfortunately, our education system is yet to develop fully, and for the time being, it imparts a lot of restrictions on the teaching staff. Teachers only have to stick to the syllabus, and teach and explain topics from the examination point of view. They do not have the freedom to teach better texts that would benefit the students greatly.
Family reasons and personal issues
Family can be really imposing and restricting at times, and when all of it becomes too overwhelming, teachers prefer to quit their jobs. Teaching may seem an easy task, but in reality it is very demanding and time consuming. After teaching students and coming back to home, teachers have to check homeworks and assignment, assign tasks and assignment questions to the students, prepare their question papers and evaluate their answer sheet, and so on and so forth. Teaching is not a job that ends once the last school bell rings, it is something can goes on even after that.
The only plausible solution in such a scenario is to look into the welfare of the teachers. Teachers should not be overburdened with work, neither should they be assigned back to back classes. They should be involved in group activities and workshops, and taken to excursions and trips, so that they too get some time to rejuvenate and relax. The salary of the teachers should also be at par with that of other professionals in order to ensure that they continue their profession.
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