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Writing A Good Topic Sentence For Essay

Writing a Good Topic Sentence for Essay

A topic sentence is the one that substantiates or contradicts the thesis argument of your essay. It is the one that unifies the substance of your paragraph and guides the correct order of the sentences. It also tells the readers about the topic discussed in the essay and how it will be addressed further in the following paragraphs.

In general, quick readers or the readers with no time look at the first few sentences of your paragraph to assess the subject matter and the perspective. This is why the start of an article/a blog/an essay is considered to be the best place to state the topic sentence. You might not want to lose the chance of grabbing the first attention of your readers with the topic sentence, so you cannot just simply write A Topic Sentence; it needs to be impressive, flawless, clear, simple and understandable in the eyes of your readers.

In order to write a perfectly framed topic sentence, there are several steps that you need to follow for writing one. Read this blog further to know more about those effective stages or steps for writing-

Stage 1: Write a thesis statement

The first step that you need to perform for drafting an effective topic sentence for writing, ensure that you provide a clear thesis statement to your audience. This statement tends to sum up the intent and the argument of the whole paper in just one frame.

Stage 2: Prepare an outline for your essay

The next thing that you need to do is structure your article, and plan things accordingly for the outline. Discuss what would you like to include in your paragraphs and what facts would you use for it. At this stage of writing, you must prepare a thematic sentence for your essay that sums up the key point that you want to highlight in your content.

Stage 3: Provide evidence

The rest of the article must witness a logical flow of content, expanded with evidence, examples, proof and arguments. This helps you to stay focused towards your paragraphs because everything you write will eventually contribute to the central idea of the subject.

Stage 4: Edit your topic sentence(s)

Begin with writing simple statements on your subject. But during the proofreading process, make sure that they fit well with the content and the subject presented by you. Sentences must be clear and comprehensible for the audience to read. A good topic sentence is the one that provides a clear understanding of what your topic is and what do you intent from it. It will tell the readers the right direction of the goer, so be careful while writing and editing one. Follow these tips further for editing your topic sentence(s)-

1. Add transition – Once you have written each of the sentences regarding your subject, ask yourself of whether it fits well within the content, or does the point make valid perception of what you just wrote. You can add transition words in your topic sentences to help create a link between the concepts and writing.

2. Strengthen your content – In order to provide more strength to your content, make sure that you add enough details and examples to it for valid interpretation.

3. Summarize – The topic sentence must be used well for the summarization concept (providing a brief summary of the preceding paragraph).

4. Compare – In order to reflect a contrasting theme, make sure that your topic sentence use terms that can easily illustrate the difference or dispute between the context.

Well, by now, you must be fully aware of the concept of writing a topic sentence for your essay. If you still feel stuck with your academic content or any such essays, feel free to contact our online essay writing services for professional help and guidance.

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