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Brand Management Assignment Help

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The brand management analysis refers to the thoughts and views of the target consumers on a particular brand. Brand management analysis is done so that the brand can establish a good and emotional relationship with their future and current consumers. In order to improve their brand image a firm can use a number of ways. The most common activity that firms pursue to establish is a good brand image is CSR or corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility refers to the duties and responsibilities of a firm towards the environment and the society. Every new and existing business firm has some sort of liability towards the society and the environment as a whole. This is because a business uses the resources of the environment and in some cases they even destroy these resources in order to establish factories and buildings. Hence, since theses business firms use up a lot resources of the society and the environment, they should be more concerned about and it and should take good care of it. Once the consumers or people in general see that the company is pursuing its CSR well they tend to be more inclined towards buying the products and services of that particular company.

There are a number of terms which are associated with the term of brand management. These include terms like Co- Branding and Brand Engagement. Under co-branding, a particular brand launches an extremely different line of products without any name associated with it. The biggest example of this type of branding is Audi.  Audi, was initially started under the brand Volkswagen, however, later they established it as an entirely different brand which did not have any company name. This type of branding helps a company achieve a better brand perception in the minds of the consumers.

On the university level, there are very bleak chances that the students would get assignments based on the single topic of brand management. Brand management is usually used for solving the different assignments which are based on the topic of marketing. The assignments would basically require the students to analyze the different issues that are concerned with brand management.

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