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Database Design Assignment Help

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Database design is defined as the process of building a detailed data model for a database. There are two types of models to create a database design, which are, physical model and logical model. The logical model is used to generate the Data Definition Language (DDT) along with physical designs and storage parameters. DDL is used to outturn database.  Each entity in Database Design is designated with a fixed set of attributes.    

Database Design is a vast term which is used to describe different parts of database management. Database Design in simple words is defined as “creating logical design and data structures to store data”. Database design can be used for all the processes of designing a database.

Working on your Database Design Assignments would no longer be a struggle because MakeMyAssignments team is here to provide every possible help required for you to master the subject and its assignments. Our professionals would help increase your potential and make the subject relatively easier and interesting for you to learn and make assignments about.

All you need to do is, email us your database design assignments at www.makemyassignments.com and we would provide you the necessary solution and guidance as soon as possible.

Relevance of database design in the real world

Keeping in mind the rapid growth of data in the past few years, it is mandatory to have a booming database which is capable of holding a million entries. Majority of businesses are data driven, for instance Google, Facebook, Twitter and other such marketing companies. Along with keeping the information, another very important part of database is Data Retrieval.   The Database concept is disadvantageous if we are unable to retrieve the data at a profitable rate.  Hence, Database Design is an extremely important of databases. 

Database design assignment help step wise:

OBJECTIVE OF DATABASE is to help follow up the surplus steps.

The next step is to identify the information such as the username, date of birth, email id, password which is required to store in the database.

Design tables are required to identify the information related to entities and to put them in tables of User profile, user account etc.

After figuring out which set of data goes under which table, each item turns into a field and is demonstrated as a  design column in the table. For instance, information like username, email id and password turns into columns of user_account and name and date of birth become user_profile.

Each row needs to be identified distinctively and assigned a primary key, such as, the primary key for userid is user_account.

The next step is to relate columns of one table to another  to maintain the consistency. This is called design relationship between the tables. For instance, user_profile and user_account tables would be related as user_id in both tables.

After reviewing the database design the next step is to build the actual database and tables to insert the data and check the legitimacy of the obtained results. This step is called Review and Refine your design. If the results are incorrect, redesign the database.   

The last step is to apply the normalization rules in the database to make it design robust.

Interest is the first factor that is necessary to learn and understand any subject. Without a keen interest it is very difficult to understand a subject, let alone ace it. Along with interest, the subject of Database Design also requires concentration.  

Database Design can be pretty demanding sometimes and it takes a good amount of time and concentration to be understood through various diagrams and database structures to implement practically.  

Majority of schools and universities believe that the best way to learn a subject is to make as many assignments on it and so that the students feel proud having mastered it on their own. But sometimes its impractical to make back to back assignments and so students need professional help.

We at MakeMyAssignments.com assure original assignment content for students to excel in the subject. Through our assignments, students also get the hang of Database design from examination perspective. Apart from being authentic our assignments are self-sufficient and self-explanatory, so that they can be of utmost use to the students. We also provide the desired links and sources for the students to expand their knowledge parameter.

We look forward to help you in every topic related to Database Design given below:

  1. Databases and Information Systems
  2. Database system concepts and architecture
  3. Semantic Database Design Homework Help
  4. High-level conceptual modeling
  5. ER Modeling concepts
  6. ER Diagrams
  7. Cardinality constraints
  8. Higher-order relationships
  9. Enhanced ER Model (EER)
  10. Weak-entity types
  11. Subclasses and inheritance
  12. Specialization and Generalization
  13. Modeling of UNION types using categories
  14. Relational Model
  15. Languages and Systems
  16. Relational algebra Homework help
  17. Relational model concepts
  18. Relational integrity constraints
  19. Update operations on relations
  20. Relational algebra model
  21. ER to relational mapping
  22. SQL Homework Help
  23. Data definition in SQL
  24. Queries and update statements
  26. Integrity constraints
  27. Specifying indexes
  28. Embedded SQL
  29. IBM DB2 case study Homework Help
  30. Architecture of DB2
  31. Data definition and manipulation in DB2
  32. EER to Relational mapping
  33. Database design using the relational model
  34. Functional dependencies Homework Help
  35. Keys in a relational model
  36. Concept of functional dependencies
  37. Normal forms based on primary keys
  38. Boyce-Codd Normal Forms
  39. Further Dependencies Homework Help
  40. Multi-values dependencies and fourth normal form
  41. Join dependencies and fifth normal form
  42. Inclusion dependencies
  43. Other dependencies and normal forms
  44. Storage and Indexing Structures
  45. Storage structures Homework Help
  46. Secondary storage devices
  47. Buffering of blocks
  48. File Organization
  49. Heaps
  50. Sorted Files
  51. Hashing and overflow handling techniques
  52. Dynamic hashing
  53. Extensible hashing
  54. Other file organizations
  55. Indexing methods Homework Help
  56. Basic terminology
  57. Primary indexes
  58. Inserting and searching algorithms for B+ trees
  59. Other indexing methods
  60. Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control
  61. Transaction Fundamentals Homework Help
  62. ACID properties
  63. Transaction states
  64. Serializability
  65. Serial schedules
  66. Conflict serializability
  67. View serializability
  68. Recoverable and non-recoverable schedules
  69. Cascading rollbacks
  70. Cascadeless schedules
  71. Concurrency control Homework Help
  72. Serialized and non-serialized schedules
  73. Testing for serializability
  74. Locking
  75. Lock compatibility matrix
  76. Locking and serializability
  77. Deadlocks and starvation
  78. Two-phase locking (2PL) protocol
  79. Conservative, strict and rigorous 2PL
  80. 2PL with lock conversions
  81. Timestamp-ordering based protocol
  82. Multi-versioning protocol
  83. Multi-granularity locking
  84. Deadlock prevention protocols
  85. Wait-die and wound-wait schemes
  86. Time-out based schemes
  87. Deadlock recovery
  88. Nested transactions
  89. Database recovery techniques
  90. Recovery concepts
  91. Deferred updates technique
  92. Immediate update technique
  93. Shadow paging
  94. ARIES recovery algorithm
  95. Query Processing and Optimization
  96. Translating SQL into relational algebra
  97. Basic query operations
  98. Heuristics in query optimization
  99. Selectivity and cost estimates in query optimization
  100. Semantic query optimization
  101. Database Security and Authorization
  102. Discretionary access control
  103. Mandatory access control and multi-level security
  104. Statistical database security
  105. Enhanced Data Models for specific applications
  106. Active database concepts
  107. Temporal databases
  108. Spatial databases
  109. Multi-media databases
  110. Distributed databases and issues
  111. Data fragmentation
  112. Replication and allocation in distributed databases
  113. Types of distributed database systems
  114. Query processing in distributed databases
  115. Concurrency control and recovery in distributed databases
  116. Advanced topics Object-oriented and object-relational databases, logical databases, web databases, distributed databases, data warehousing and data mining.

MakeMyAssignments is your best resort for your academic assistance because:

MakeMyAssignments has a team full of experienced professionals with ample amount of knowledge required to help the students as much as possible and a long term experience of assignment writing by professional writers which helps students with their academic concerns. 

We provide easy to understand tutorials and plagiarism free assignments for students to get a better understanding out of their course subjects. We assure a minimum grade of 2:1. Our team works in accordance with the needful which makes our services exemplary.

Copying up paragraphs off the internet is something that our team highly disapproves of and so we make sure to go through the necessary information before starting with an assignment help. To be double sure, we always review our assignments on turnitin and grammarly to rule out any possible plagiarism.

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