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Leadership Assignment Help | Make My Leadership Assignment




Leadership is generally referred to as a base for each of the management students. It is a process using which a person can influence the thoughts, attitudes, and the behaviours of other people. It is also considered as a process to socially influence others to seek their support to complete a common task. With the effective use of leadership styles, the individuals are grouped together to achieve a mutual goal.
The concept of leadership in simple terms can be defined as a process of motivating a group of people and directing them towards the achievement of mutual goals. It is an inspirational relationship where one person inspires the other. However, the effectiveness of leadership varies from one system to another. It is dependent on the system according to which the ideas are directed to others in order to engage them to follow the leader.
It is a fact that leadership is something that is pervasive. We see the different concepts of leadership all around us in our day to day lives. Be it out parents at home whom we follow, the teachers at school, the superiors at the workplaces, etc. A leader is someone who has the knowledge regarding the various concepts of leadership and their application.

However, the process of leadership is generally viewed in the context of management or organizations, but it is an undeniable fact that leadership is a pervasive concept which can be found in each and every field. There are religious leaders, political leaders, business leaders, etc. It can be regarded as a necessity to motivate others for accomplishing the objectives that are common amongst all.
There are a number of leadership styles which are often used by leaders to stay in-tact with their objectives and direct the individuals for attaining such goals. These forms of leadership include Charismatic leadership, Democratic Leadership, Autocratic Leadership, Directional Leadership, and Transformational Leadership. The leadership styles are generally used on the basis of the situation in hand, the nature of the leader, and his fine sense of judgement for the application of the best style. No matter which style is used, the aim of each of the styles is to direct and lead the individuals towards the attainment of the laid goals.
Moreover, leadership is also used interchangeably with authority. However, authority should never be confused with leadership. Both of these are different concepts. A person who has the authority has the ability to drive people by using the authority or power, whereas a leader inspires the individuals to drive them towards success. The followers in the case of person with authority are generally duty bound, whereas in the case of leadership, the followers operate voluntarily for the leader. All persons who have authority are leaders, but it is not necessary that all leaders will have the authority.
Use of leadership theories for better assignment writing

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