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Write a marketing communications plan assignment

Write a marketing communications plan assignment

Assessment Description

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Assignment 2: Marketing communications program

You are required to prepare a marketing communications plan and a communication piece for a small to medium business. The business can be from any industry, however it needs to be independent (not a franchise or chain retailer), local and/or owner-operated. Consult your tutor if you need any advice on your choice of organisation.

Interview the owner or manager about a specific marketing communications problem or idea. The communications problem or idea could relate to a product launch, a new service offering, a store opening, boosting awareness of existing products, and so on.

There are two sections of this assignment:

Part 1: Preparation of a marketing communications plan
Part 2: Production of a creative marketing communication piece.

Part 1: Marketing communications plan (35 marks)

Your plan should adopt an integrated marketing communications approach and include consideration for all elements of the marketing communications mix, including a branding strategy, identification of target markets and key messages.

The exact structure of your plan is up to you but the following advice on key areas is given:

A brief situation analysis is required. Provide background information on the organisation, the rationale for the purpose of the plan, an industry and market overview.

The purpose of your plan will also need to be highlighted, that is identify what the problem is you are trying to solve. Ensure yourobjectives are clear, as your marker will use these in conjunction with your target market and brand strategy, to assess the appropriateness of your recommended strategies.

In compilation of your marketing communication strategies do not limit yourself to only consumer strategies; where possible include trade communication strategies as part of your recommendations.

Your campaign should be no more than 12 months duration. Throughout the expected duration of the campaign you will need to includeevaluation strategies at times you feel appropriate. Your budget is $60,000 for the 12 months campaign.

As it is in report format, you need to include an executive summary, introduction, conclusion and list of references. These sections fall outside the word limit.

Part 2: Marketing communications piece (5 marks)

Choose one of your marketing communications strategies that you have recommended and develop an actual communication piece that represents that strategy.

The marketing communication piece will be assessed on its appropriateness to reach the target audience, support your creative strategies, your brand message and the problem you are trying to solve.

It can be hand written or mocked up electronically. Your drawing skills or technology skills are not being assessed; the appropriateness of the communication and the message is being marked.

Submission information

Please submit your report on MySCU through Turnitin as usual. If possible please submit your marketing communications piece with your plan (as one document). However if it isnt possible as it is an electronic piece, for example, please submit through the second link on MySCU.

Marking criteria

Your assignment will be marked using the following assessment criteria:

  • content of your report:
    • identification and rationale of appropriate objectives including the identification of the problem or idea, clear and relevant target market (5 marks)
    • innovative recommendations for your marketing communication strategies based on your identified objectives, target market and brand strategies, which clearly show an integrated approach (20 marks)
    • action plan (10 marks)
  • creativity and appropriateness of the message in your communication piece (5 marks)

A marking guide will be supplied on MySCU. Please note that any evidence of plagiarism will be reported to the School Board.

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