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BSBMGT517 – Manage operational plan Summative Assessments

BSBMGT517 – Manage operational plan Summative Assessments

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Question 1

  • Discuss (100–120 words) the details that should be outlined in an operational plan.

Question 2

  • Broad consultation with other members of the organisation, from team members to senior management is a good way to contribute to the success of operational planning. When, in the planning cycle, should it be carried out? What outcomes would you hope to achieve from this process? Discuss in 80 to 100 words.

Question 3

  • What is the role of the operational plan in meeting organisational objectives? Discuss in 100 to 120 words.

Question 4

  • Why do budgets need frequent reviews and adjustments? Who is responsible for ensuring that budgets and other financial documents are accurate? When creating financial reports, what sources of information need to be analysed? Discuss in 100 to 120 words.

Question 5

  • Resources can mean many things when you are preparing an operational plan. What kinds of resources might you have to plan for? Give at least four examples.

Question 6

  • Today, more and more businesses understand that being successful is about more than just economic performance, but that it is also about their environmental and social performance. They are aware that increasing use of the Earth’s natural resources places a strain on the planet. Responsible businesses are, therefore, making every effort to ensure that they use resources efficiently. What does the term resource efficiency refer to? Identify five things an organisation could do to reduce the amount of paper and energy used and wasted. Discuss in 150 to 180 words.

Question 7

  • Why is it necessary to have a working knowledge of the legislation relating to operations and associated planning? You might have to undertake the appropriate research to answer this question. Discuss in 120 to 150 words.

Question 8

  • What role do policies and procedures play in operational planning? Discuss in 120 to 150 words.

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