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MAN501 Comparison of National Cultures Assignment

MAN501 Comparison of National Cultures Assignment

Assignment Description

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The assignment is based upon comparing and contrasting the culture in two different countries. One country should be one which you know very well, having lived there for a significant period of time. The other country is to be selected on the basis of your own criteria (e.g. a country you have visited, a country where there is a wealth of available information, a country which particularly interests you.)

Assessment Item 1


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to utilise your skills and knowledge to research the cultural differences between countries. The assignment is based upon comparing and contrasting the culture in two different countries.



Due date:

Friday, Week 6


2.500 words (excluding reference list and appendices)


To undertake this assignment, acquire data on two countries from academic sources such as academic journal articles and academic books as well as government embassies, chambers of commerce and export advisory bodies by collecting data that provide knowledge about a country’s national culture. Choose the two countries based on personal experience, the Internet, or travel books. The same two countries will be also the focus of assessment item 2.

Assessment criteria:

  1. An ability to utilise sources such as the Internet and University library facilities to search, locate and summarise data relevant to the assignment
  2. An ability to utilise appropriate academic theories on national cultures that can provide a framework for analysing an overseas market.
  3. An ability to develop an effective comparison of the national culture within the two countries which have been selected.
  4. An ability to critically analyse information, formulate conclusions and exhibit original thought.
  5. An ability to present a well written, well-structured assignment.
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