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Mobilising Creativity and Innovation

Mobilising Creativity and Innovation


Report on Individual Creative thinking skills   

50% weighting

In this unit we consider many alternative approaches and perspectives on how organisational creativity and innovation might be promoted or blocked in practice across multiple levels: individual, group and organisation.  Assignment 1 is specifically concerned with promoting individual creativity as it contributes to the innovation process.

Critically evaluate creative problem solving (CPS) in the context of your work organization, (Name company is Oman Oil Company S.A.O.S). You will need to consider individual blocks to the generation of new ideas and how these might be overcome using structured techniques. Using Osborn-Parnes as a framework how might you plan to facilitate a CPS session using structured techniques?

Your analysis must be independently written up in report format (1500 words) individually and must be informed and fully supported by quality academic theory, citing appropriate sources and with full bibliographic references using the Harvard style)    More than 15 sources.

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