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Need help for MKT 570 Social Media Assignment

Need help for MKT 570 Social Media Assignment

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Assessment Description

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Assessment item 2
Social Media Assignment
Value: 10%
Due date: 31-Aug-2015
Return date: –
Length: N/A
Submission method options
Alternative submission method


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Social Media and share content are hot topics in Communications at the moment. For this assignment you need to investigate some aspects of social media and shared content and participate in that environment.
2 options exist including an option for those who don’t want to identifiy themselves in a social media environment. Choose only option 1 or option 2;
Option 1)
Establish a Instagram / Twitter, Google+ and or Linkedin account online, establish a link with your lecturer (you can unfriend me at the end of the session) amashman on Linkedin, Google+ and or Twitter.

Download “Tweetdeck” to your computer or subscribe to “Hootesuite” online – monitor some online conversations i.e. #QandA, #gobackSBS, #qantas, #thevoice etc and join some communication based groups.

Utilising your Twitter account, tweet (Original – 4X), re tweet (4X) some commentary using the hashtag #csuimc.
(do a google search to see the type of things curated under the #CSUIMC hashtag)
Make some observations on the use of social media in business communications and tweet them using the hashtag #csuimc. The use of this hashtag (#) allows us to search and find all comments in one place. Your mark will be awarded based on visible posts under this hashtag.
Option 2)
If you don’t want to participate in the SM environment please observe some SM activity and post a 500 word reflection on those activities into the CSU MKT570 subject Interact2 Discussion forum where I’ll monitor, comment and mark your reflection
More detail on this in our first in-class session. Please make sure you come to class  to obtain further explanation

Learning outcomes addressed in this assessment include but are not limited too:
being able to investigate the role of marketing communication in the overall marketing and business strategy;
being able to examine and evaluate various elements of a contemporary communication mix;
being able to critically evaluate marketing communications for a range of organisations and reflect on current organisational marketing by using communications tools.
This assessment is designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to introduce you to the world of social media and allow you to reflect on its role in IMC campaigns.
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